Sunday, February 28, 2021
False Idols Can Be a Golden Calf or A Golden Figure of Donald Trump
Isn't it one of the ten commandments not to worship false idols. Weird, how the religious right ignores that one, as they purchase a gold Trump statue to kneel to. They've turned Trump into a religion, and let him, shine even more than god himself, in their eyes.It's sick and twisted since Trump is more like the devil, and spreads hate and violence in his wake.The house of the GOP has turned into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah
Thursday, February 25, 2021
CPAC Still Can't Excise The Trump Cancer As They Let Him Bring His Circus Of Lies To Their Forum.
Weird, how so many people are mesmerized by a person who lies to them with every breath. To me one second of lies is one second to many. We all know Trump will claim he was cheated, say that he won the election, and then spew as many piles of crap as he can in his alloted time slot.False prophet of hate , the orange one again will drum up the hate of racism, and stir up the violent white supremists to commit acts of destruction. CPAC should be held responsible.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Raising The Cost of Energy After Failing Big Time In Providing Electricity in Texas.
Really charging more for a crappy power grid.Who should be doing the paying more , the Republican politicians that failed to do their jobs. The Governor who ignored making sure something like a power failure couldn't happen. The Republicans who are in that Texas state government should pay , just because they couldn't follow the rules all the other states in America do, it's their fault.They had to make a work around , to get out of Federal regulations, well that work around let them not winterize the power grid, it let them ignore climate change to the detriment of people who live in that state
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Sad Stupidity As Texas Governor Passes The Buck By Blaming The Green New Deal And Clean Energy
Gregg Abbott blames clean energy for the Texas Energy problems. That is a pile of bullshit. We have clean energy in Michigan it doesn't go offline in winter even when it's 20 below.Losing power just because it gets cold is stupid and is a cause of poor planing by the states government. Where I live in Michigan we're ready , because it can be 20 below one week and 40 degree above 0 the next. That's what climate change does, it's wild fluctuations in temperature.
Instead Of Helping His Home State Of Texas Ted Cruz Went To Cancun
That's the kind of GOP Senator Texas can rely on, Joking he's not, can't even share in the suffering of his own people ,or lend a helping hand. Like Trump he's throwing them paper towels when they need electricity.If the people of Texas don't get their act together and don't start helping themselves by voting the GOP out,they deserve what they get.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
You Can Tell Who Was A Good Person When They Die By Who Eulogies Them, Rush Limbaugh Got Trump ,Enough Said
Rush said so many evil and rotten things about people , I'm not wasting a tear on him.He made his bed, now down in hell, he gets to lie in it. Like Ebenezer Scrooge, he made a big chain of hate. that will drag him down into the deep fires. Most of the people like Trump, who thought he was a great guy, will someday join him in his final resting place,where it's alway just a little too hot.
Texas Being Red Sure Didn't Help Them When It Turned Cold
GOP isn't good at planning for the future,or for any conceivable event. This week proves that, they did a bad job preparing their energy grid for a cold snap now millions have no power. Republicans try to ignore things like climate change till it takes a bite out of their ass. Climate change can cause violent temperature shifts , if the heat increases around the equator , it can pull cold down from the artic. That's what happened. Next week it will be above normal tempatures again. Texas if your smart,you will turn blue
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Let's Make Trump The Anchor That Drags Republicans Running For The House Ands Senate In 2022 Down.
Ron Johnson in Wisconsin needs to go , anyone who still has their lips firmly stuck to Trump ass needs to go. Will learn more about who those people will be. Here I will tell you their names. Ronny is just the first
Saturday, February 13, 2021
it's Not Over For Trump, Every Policemen Hurt Can Sue Trump , Criminal Cases Can Be Brought IN DC.
It might of been better for Trump if he just got impeached , now I can see a bizzard of law suits from every policemen who was hurt , State criminal charges can be brought , and maybe federal charges can be brought against Trump. It will be a lot worse then just being able not to run again for president. Hopefully Trump ends up without a penny,and in jail.
Oh Surprise , We Got Witnesses To Show Trump Didn't Care About Mike Pence Or Was willing To Call In the National Guard
The truth hurts, Trump didn't care what would happen to Mike Pence , He wouldn't of shed a tear if he was hung. He took his own sweet time to call in the national guard. Actual Mike Pence had to do it,because Trump was derelict in his duty,like he was everyday after he lost the election.
The GOP fears witnesses but there not for the Senators . there for the American people to see how corrupt the GOP has become.
The GOP fears witnesses but there not for the Senators . there for the American people to see how corrupt the GOP has become.
Friday, February 12, 2021
The Defense For Trump Is All Smoke and Mirrors ,and like his Presidency is Filled With Bullshit
Their just throwing spaghetti against a wall and seeing what sticks. It was already determined to be constitutional to have a former president have an impeahment trial, that horse has left the building. If you think it's only about what he said at the rally on January 6th you aren't paying attention, Trump sedition started even before the election by talking about if he loses it was fraud, that was his first sedious act, then he committed mutiple more acts of sedition after that, by trying to get certain state official to change the count,that was his second act of sedition, then he helped plan the rally on January 6th by promoting it for 18 days on twitter, each tweet helping to build the violence to come. January 6th came the capital was sacked , even as it was happening he kept throwing more fuel on the fire with more tweets. It finally broke after 6 hours and he told the rioters he was proud of them and to go home.His defence is glossing over those facts , and the fix is in anyway the GOP like in the first impeachment trial are only going through the motions, and prove again Trumps prophecy that if he shot someone on fifth avenue ,they would do nothing.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Josh Hawley, Who Should Be Paying Attention To The Trial For Impeachment, Decides to ignore The Whole Thing.
Can't even do the job he was elected to do. He sits in the upper gallery catching up on his reading totally ignoring everything around him.Why is our tax money going towards his salary again. I thought we were paying him to do his job. But like too many Republicans he's derelict in his duty. They tend to do that a lot.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
I Used to Think Term Limits for Congress Members and Senators Was Stupid But The GOP Changed My Mind.
Back in the day it seemed ok for congress Members and Senators to serve as long as they won. But it's changed when they became prisoners of their parties followers. GOP won't do the right thing ,the moral thing , because there afraid of Trump and his rabid herd of followers. If they weren't worried about reelection they could act like they have a pair,they could actually stand up and speak the truth and be there own men,or women. Term-limits would make it possible to not be locked to a party , but to vote your own conscience. I really thought the longer a Senator or Congress Member served the smarter and more experienced they would be , the GOP proved that idea wrong over and over again.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Only Goals The GOP sets For Itself is to Stay in Office.
They flushed conservatism when they bought into Trumpism. They lost their identity and have no plan for the future, except to do whatever it takes to get reelected and get power. They have no moral compass , they have no ideas , except the old ones , that never worked as advertised like, trickle down economics , where the rich got richer ,and nothing trickled down to the middle class and poor. Endless wars that didn't have to be fought in the first place. IRAQ , What does the GOP stand for really is it anything or nothing , I can no longer tell.
Monday, February 8, 2021
Just Think If The Herd Immunity Nuts Had Gotten Their Way World Wide , How Many Mutations of The Virus Would Be Out There?
The more people who get the virus the more chances there will be a variant that even if you already had the orginal COVID you can get it all over from a new variant. If the Herd Immuninty Nuts got their wish ,there would be thousand of different variations of COVID outhere. An endless cycle hitting the world.
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Louie ,Louie ,Your Going to Cry
Lou Dobbs took the hit for lying out his ass on FOX Business, Those lies may cost FOX billions. But others over on FOX still haven't been given the axe for making the same lies. So they are using Lou Dobbs as the sacifical lamb. Probably , they won't be getting rid of the big names on FOX news, The ones that lie everyday to the American people.
Friday, February 5, 2021
To say there is anything equal about people that protest racism and people who stormed the capital is stupid
Get real ,people protesting a real thing and people protesting because their stupid and believe the lies than been feed by Q and Donald Trump are way not the same thing, like some in the GOP congress want you to believe. It's apple and oranges , one is about a real problem, racism the other is about a lie , Trump winning the election and it was somehow stolen. To lump them together is ignorant and silly
Marjorie Taylor Greene Shows Why They Stripped of Her Committee Slots By Showing She Has No Control Over Her Mouth
As soon as she could she called the congressmen who voted her off all committees idiots, kind of proves why they did it.That wasn't a smart move , she could of proven herself, not crazy, by keeping her mouth shut, and maybe they would of changed their minds after a little time, but nope she's not that smart, I guess. Never thought she, was believing every crazy conspiracy theory, she sets eyes on.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Flipity Flopity, Yingity Yangity, How Many Times Can They Change Their Tune?
I get whiplash watching the GOP , One day Trump is bad , next he is good. One day he is responsible, next day he is not. The GOP has a split personality. Just Like the last 4 years chaos reigns. Trump could never make up his mind. So is Liz Chenney the bad one, or Marjorie Taylor Greene. I'm saying Greene is , But the GOP wants to punish Liz Chenney instead. The Mad Hatter is smiling at the Crazy in the GOP.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
If We Don't Like Russia Deciding Who Our President Is ,Why Are We Letting a Australian Named Rupert Murdoc Influence Us With Fox News
Really why , Fox news is Rupert Murdoc, it represents his views, he is not an American. So why does the GOP follow him? I'm just not getting it , why is this guy influencing our politics? Why are we letting him in the first place?
Megan McCain Leaving The View , I hope Not.
I actually like shows like The View that have people with different views. I actually remember when Fox had shows like that. There was this guy who created the Guardian Angels who argued ideas with a lawyer who was on the left. I liked that. I liked on CNN where FOXes darling Tucker Carlson on crossfire was actually getting called out for his views. If there is no challeges is it really worth watching , or does it become an echo chamber.
Maybe They Should of Never of Let Anyone Immigrate
I'm part Native Americans works for me. It's strange to me immigrants trying to keep other immigrants out, acting like they own the place. But that's been America M.O. through out it's history . Some people didn't want the Irish here , another group didn't want the Chinese and tried to keep them out. Now who we up to not wanting in , oh that's right , Muslims and Latino's. My question is whose next ? We are a country of people from somewhere else. Except for the natives, you all are immigrants or ancestors of immigrants. Sometimes, it would be better if you all get deported back to your motherlands.
GOP Trying To Flush The Crazy Out of The Party , But They Created The Best Breeding Ground For It to Flourish
Everytime they ignored Trumps crazy lies , they gave fertilizer for future crazy.So now we come to the point of crazy congress members who live in an alternate universe. It's the GOP's Frankenstein monster that they made. If they let Trumps lies go by without saying anything for about the last 5 years they condoned lying and crazy talk. First they said nothing about birtheirism ,then nothing about the nuts talk about Mexican immigrants ,then it was something else and finally the misinformation about COVID. Not a peep when Trump talked about injecting bleach,or sticking a UV light up your butt. It's coming home to roost, that which they sowed is here,and it's not good.
Monday, February 1, 2021
How Come, I Don't Know What Everyone Else Knows According To Trump?
I don't know anything about anything Trump says. He claims everyone does. But to me he's talking foolish rubbage. If we all know this crap,then there must be something wrong with us. First off most of it is not based in reality, 2nd it doesn't make sense ,3rd it's just plain stupid. So how do we know this stuff. Do we have to live in an alternate universe where there are alternate facts?
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Deathsantis Running For President On The Corpse Of People Who Die From Covid In Florida
How sick is it to do everything you can to cause more pain and suffering in a bid to run as president? We thought Trump was a sick puppy wh...

Back in the day it seemed ok for congress Members and Senators to serve as long as they won. But it's changed when they became prisoner...
Rush said so many evil and rotten things about people , I'm not wasting a tear on him.He made his bed, now down in hell, he gets to lie...
Now When I'm banned , I'm banned but back when I was Purely a Anti-Gun advocate, a person who was a big spokesmen for the CSGV got ...