
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Think About The Senate Election In Georgia As Voting Mitch McConnell Out

If 2 new Senators in Georgia are voted in and are Democrat, Mitch who doesn't care about the average American, who put a dagger throught a $2000 Stimuls check because he could care less if you can afford to eat,pay your rent,or get the things you need to make your life better, will lose his head of the senate job.Aren't you tired of the wealthy who flaunt their wealth while kicking sand in your face. Mitch who married into a wealthy family doesn't feel your pain or your stress. He's been sitting in Washington for god knows how long, his grip on reality is from a view of not of the people of his own state ,which he visits only if forced to, but of a Washington elite.

So Who Got Their Stimulus , I did which surprised the hell out of me, thought it would take months like the first one.

Well they were quick this time , but with only $600 it was half spent the very first day. Still need more to get all the things I need to make my life not suck. I got a new mattress to replace the 40 year old one I been sleeping on, it was so filled with dust mites ,I had a constant allergy for the last 2 months. Finally no snot everyday, and good bye to the sinus headaches, plus the itching.Plus I guess there will be an increase in SNAP payments So the last week of the month, I won't have to eat like a monk.

Anti-Vaxer + Pro-Trump = Pro-Stupid

If your going Anti-Vaxer because your a pro-Trumper and believe it's a hoax. There's one simple word to define you (STUPID) I'm tired of walking on eggs shells around Trumpers and worry if I offend them. Screw that, you are stupid, So stupid when god was passing out brains, you told him to put them up your ass. No sugar coating here, your to dumb to live. So don't get vaccinated, get COVID and stop wasting space and taking up others peoples air. I know some people will gasp after they read this,But I'm not wasting time on people who won't fight for themselves.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Well In The Senate We Will Find Out Whose Pro-Dictatorship or Pro-Democracy

Whose going to object to the votes in the election and support Dictatorship ? Whose going to support Democracy and let Biden become confirmed? If after they object, they start talking about the constitution . I call BS , major BS. They don't believe in the constitution they use it whem it's convenient,

Democratic Pedophiles No Evidence That's A real Thing , But Trump and Pedophiles There's Lots Of Evidence There

Who was in many pictures with a pedophile named Jeffery Epstein ? Ta Da DONALD TRUMP. It wasn't a democrat , I'm not a loser who calls himself Q who pulls facts out of my ass. So far there is zero evidence any Democrats have an alien pedophile ring run by celebrities in hollywood , or whatever the latest crazies on FOX are spewing.

Warp Speed Has It's Warp Engine Only Running At Half Warp Speed.

20,000,000 doses given by the end of December . just another Trump failure and exageration with only 2,000,000 shots getting to arms.But it's as expected , look how he failed on testing,and everything else about COVID. Hopefully as soon as Trumps get out of his White House playpen and gets sent home the real adults can get the job done.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Republicans, While They Were in Control ,Didn't Give A Rats Ass About The National Debt

Now with a Democratic president coming to Washington , they bring out the old tired ,proved to be bull hockey crap about the nation debt.They did anything Trump wanted to run up the costs added to the national debt, A stupid wall , a space force , amd giving billionaires and millionaires breaks on their taxes , all that bullcrap added trillions to the national debt, now that the everyday ,work 8 hours a day Americans could use help they roll out the national debt, which they ignored for the last 3 years and change

If You're Going To Be a Rumor Monger , At Least Believe Both The Good And The Bad Rumors.

Trump only buys the rumors that benefit him and ignores the negative rumors about him. So if your going to believe lies you should believes all the lies. Trump knows there lies that's the only reason he cherry picks out the ones he can use to better his position.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Does He Do It To Stress People Out And Make Them Jump through Hoops

Trump finaly signed the bill, after he put a lot of people through a ton of stress. I'm not going to give him an award for playing with peoples lives to make his ego feel better. It was all just unnessary stress put on people during Christmas and if he didn't realize that, he's a moron

Sunday, December 27, 2020

It was the Worst Of Times ,It Was the Best Of Times , 2020

A virus came and killed 100,000's of people and destroyed the economy. But it was also the time where people stood up united against racism. We said no more to police violence. At the end of the year Trump was shown the door, many of us realized he was a fake,a phony,and a conman.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Grinch That Stole Your Stimulus Checks

Trump at the last minute, comes in and then wants to raise the amount of stimulus checks to $2000, will mean no one will get anything. Come on we all know how slow, especialy the GOP in the Senate moves , with Turtle Mitch in the lead ,no one will get anything. They had the HERO'S act sitting there for 6 months.Better to give out the $600 now and add to it after Biden becomes president.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Devin Nunes Loses His Defamation Law Suit Against The Washington Post

How can you sue someone for telling the truth, Devin had his nose so far up Trumps ass he could smell what Trump was eating.It was plain as day, he was a Trump stooge in everything he did. Now he can soon follow Trump to loserville, do not rest in peace.

Just Throwing This Out There , Trump Responsible For Christmas Morning Explosion In Nashville

Not saying he was , just wondering if his lying crap set some nut job off. I think it's a valid question that needs to be explored anytime a bomb goes off somewhere in America. At this time Trump is racheting up the tension with this crap he will still be president. There are a lot of crazies out there that will latch on to that and take it to the next step,which is violence.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

House Republicans Say No To $2000 Stimulus , Trump Says He Will Veto $600 Stimulus Bill, And American People Get Caught In The Crossfire.

So who gets hit With The bullets in This Civil War In The GOP. The every day American people who are already hurt from the virus,and all the rest of the failures of the GOP and the Trump Administration. When did we become cannon fodder for the right wing? I hate being a pawn in their sick twisted game. They are supposedly working for us , so why do I feel like I'm living at their mercy. Something needs to change, they need to be reminded who pays their salaries.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Aren't You Sick That Companies & Wealthy People Who Made Money Off The Suffering Of Others Have Their Hands Out For More.

There are some businesses that made a fortune because of COVID-19. There are wealthy people who became even more wealthy because they made money off of other peoples suffering.It's Sick that they get a hand out asking for more when there is a COVID relief bill. But they got a friend in the GOP who doesn't have a problem giving it to them. They want no responsibilty to their employees for keeping them safe from the virus, that was in the bill the GOP created. Plus other poison pills that benefited the wealthy over the poor. I want a governement that is for taking care of those that need it the most.

Trump Going Crazy Because He Lost, Trying To Burn It Down

He's mad at anyone who doesn't want to live in his fantasy world where he will still be president. That world no longer is there or anywhere. Trump is becoming a nowhere man living in his nowhere land all by himself. No one in reality wants to share his lonely island with him,they are all leaving.So in the end the fire he starts will hurt him more than anyone else.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

So Trump Is Going To Crap On The Stimulus Bill At The Last Second So Nobody Gets Anything.

Enough of Your games Donald , Go Away Already You Loser. We don't need your last minute temper tantrums screwing it up for the rest of us. Let this bill pass, and after your silly ass is gone, a better bill will be made.

Should People Who Crapped On Treating COVID-19 As Serious Be First In Line For A Vaccine?

A lot of the GOP who said crap like it's not worse than the flu or made fun of people wearing face mask, running to get in the front of the line for a vaccination shot is total bullshit. Get to the back of the line if your crap killed innocent people. It just isn't right you getting a shot that would be better used by frontline people.

Trump Pardoning All The Swamp Rats He Brought To Washington

Kind of the biggest abuse of power yet, pardoning all the crooks in the Trump Administration as Trump leaves. He is also planning to pre pardon certain people like his family and some of his swamp friends. That proves there guilty of something.

Only The misfits Left Standing With Trump As others Flee His Sinking Ship

Barr is bailing , McConnell is jumping off. Only the screwy lewy nut jobs still cling to the Trump banner. Some Republicans acting like punch drunk morons still pushing Trump comspiracy theories that make no sense.Sad bunch of koo-koo nuts in the GOP

Monday, December 21, 2020

Only Reason Mitch The Turtle Now Says Yes To Relief Bill, Georgia Is On His Mind

It's all a ploy to get votes in Georgia, It had nothing to do with actually helping Americans , that's why there is only a piddly $600.00 in the bill , that is way to little to help most Americans. There is no helping of small businesses , no helping of states, and the bills isn't going to help much at all.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

About $30,000,000,000 In Back Rent Owed , 14,000,000 could be evicted beginning in January.

Trump plays golf, Mitch plays Games, and people who have no home, where do they get any stimulus check. One big Cluster F. They talk about a piddly little $600 relief check, that's not going to cover months of unpaid rent. So people get turned out in the cold of January , Dam Scrooge McTrump and Egenezer McConnell could care less.

Trump Covering For Russia, While Everyone Else Says Russia Did It

All I got to say is what does Russia have on Trump?
Why does he continue to give Russia a pass ?
Everyone else says they did it , they hacked our governments agencies, they hacked American companies.Pompeo says Russia did it,all our intel agencies say Russia did it,and the countries around the world, says Russia did it.Good Trump is leaving soon, it will make us all safer.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Russia Hack Could Mess With Vaccine Delivery

All the government agencies could have been compromised by Russian cyber hack that includes health department services. Getting vaccine to go from here to there isn't going to well and millions of doses are just sitting in storage waiting to get into someones arm where it will do the most good. Is this caused by a hack or is it just the normal Trump incompetence screwing it up again. They almost never got the testing right , now they are screwing up delivery. Raise your hand if you seen this coming. MY HAND IS RAISED

We All Would Be Canceled By The Cancel Culture If We Were Always In The Camera's Eye.

We all done things that would of gotten us canceled, if we were celebrities, by the cancel culture.People aren't perfect and make mistakes. Trump on the other hand doesn't rotten things on purpose, that's when someone should be canceled. But most of us have our moments when we are mentally or phyiscally tired where we go a little off the rails. We might say things out of anger we don't really mean. I can forgive that , cause I can understand it. The Tom Cruise thing is an example , He was being put under a lot of stress , and blew a gasket. Cool I can relate to that , and don't act like you never did that most of us have. Celebrities are just regular people just like the rest of us.

Lots Of Local Restaurants And Business About Ready To Close Forever, As Other People Face Losing Their Homes

GOP's foot dragging is Likely To cause a lot Of unnecessary pain, The Cares act could of been enacting months ago, But McConnell been sitting on his ass doing nothing , not carrying if people lose their businesses or homes. Now We face a foolish government shut down when government is needed the most.Why again do we want Mitch in control of the Senate? The people in Georgia need to really think about that. It can't be business as usually in our government anymore , they need to do their dam jobs.

You Don't Hear People Screaming About There Freedom When Their Told To Buckle Up

People know their going to get a ticket if they don't buckle up and there's no shirt no service. They accept that. But ask them to wear a mask and they go all freedom this freedom that. I think people should be ticketed and fined if they don't wear a mask in a crowded place. In my state you drive a car you have to have car insurance. You have to buckle up and there are rules all over the place that you have to follow that's what having a civilized world means. If you want to live like animals go live in the woods by yourself.

Here's A Little Truth For You Anti-Immigrant Trumpers, Vaccines For COVID Were Created By Immigrants

That's a fact that Trumpers want to ignore , how many immigrant have contributed to the scienctific advances in America. Our Whole Space Program was based on Rockets created by a German immigrant after World War 2 , Nuclear energy nope created by immigramts , and most innovations in medicine immigrants again. the United States wouldn't be great without contributions by immigrants. A country of mediocre status in not for immigrants. So Trumper go back to school learn a little history, and shut up about immigration.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Trump Admin Right Up There With Joseph Mengele , The Nazi Doctor of Death , Making People Sick On Purpose.

Joesph Mengele made Jews sick on purpose then studied them dying. Donald Trump had rallies getting people sick and used them as guinea pigs. He didn't care or shed one tear over the deaths he caused. He had people in his admin saying to get as many people as possible sick. So it would create herd immunity. Herd Immunity is a myth and has no bases in fact, and more people getting a virus may create more mutations of that virus, that you wouldn't be immune to if you had it the first time. It could create the next virus of COVID-19 , CoVID -20 will then be born. It will all start all over again.

More Americans Dead Under Trump Then Anytime In History

Dr. Death got nothing on Donald Trump . President Death, as I now refer to Donald Trump has killed more Americans with his ignorance then any president in history. Because of his stupidity 100,000+ American died who didn't have to and the number keeps going up.It will take time to stop the bleeding and it might be to late to stop it all.Trump as his hands are covered in the blood of Americans will leave the White House. But the damage has been done.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Trump Admin Wanted To Infect As Many People As Possible To Bring About Herd Immunity

Herd Immunity probably would only happen after about a million deaths but the Trump admin was OK with that.Lots of people wondered why Trump was packing them in at rallies with no face masks. This kind of answers why.In memo's released today we found out herd immunity was the secret policy behind Trump COVID Response. Even the Sweedes have abandoned this stupid idea. No wonder why the United States is in last place dealing with COVID. Trump policy was basically the average American could sink or swim. While the wealthy got special medical coctails to save their ass.

Ron Johnson Calling Other People Liars Is Hilarious

Ron, the stuff you spew helps Russia destroy Democracy, if your not doing it as a Russian patsy that makes it even worse. You on your own decided to say screw Democracy. That's bring about a dictatorship where the American people have no voice. You would love that wouldn't you Ronny boy. You would love to shove your pro business Nazism down the American worker throats , you would love to kill unions and keep Americans slaves.

FOX NEWS All The News You Can't Trust

They Lie , they make stuff up , and their full of bullshit. Is that their motto. If not it should be,Sean Hannity, is a joke ,like all the other clowns on FOX .Anyone with credibility has left and now it's a GOP propaganda machine.It will pass whatever lie the GOP needs. It should be taken out of the channel line up of Direct Tv , Spectrum , and any TV Service That want anyone to take them serious. No ones money unless they're total Trumpers that are apeshit crazy should pay for this crap.

As Long As Trump Talks About Running Again For 2024 , He's A Target

He is deciding to wear a bulleye on his back ,then I'll keep targeting him. If he thinks I will let people believe his crap over the next 4 years without challenge,that's not going to happen. Sadly too many people have short memories , I'm not one of those people. You will need people like me to remind you of how much a fake and phony Trump is.I take that job seriously

After The High Class Trailer Trash Leaves The White House , Fumigation and Decontamination Trucks Will Move in.

Who knows what the Trump Family left behind? Maybe Trump caught something grabing some woman. We all know they shared COVID. Plus the smell of swamp needs to be removed. Dam, it's lucky they can clean it up instead of knocking the White House down and starting over. They were lucky another 4 years and the stench would of became permanent.The smell of lies left thick in the air like an essence of bull shit in full bloom.

Trump Will Bring Down The Neighborhood, Neighbors of Mar-A-Logo wish Trump Would Live Somewhere Else.

Just Think Proud Boys hanging around the neighborhood , or other Trumpers. Would you want these losers hanging around. Who knows what human trash Trump will attracts. Like Fly to shit ,you know Trumps friends will follow. Trump is a human ball of dung , and his followers are dung beetles. Can hear the calls to 911 " There's another dam drunk Russian Hanging from the tree in my yard", the neighbor yelled into the phone. "Trumpers are trying to car jack me" ,another neighboor states.Proud Boys are pissing in my swimming pool.The Trump Circus will be stationed next door forever.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Trump Talked A Lot About Infrastructure , But There Are Still Many Bridges Across This Country With A "D" Grade

Like most of what Trump did was only talk , The Wall which very little was built , and all he did on COVID again which did more harm then good. Trump was all bark and no bite . He made mountains out of mole hills that he created. Lot of people bought his big fish stories. Well not, much was done about the countries infrastructre , still bridges and roads on there last legs and there safety is suspect.

Because Of Trump , Russia Hacked United States Big Time.

"My good friend Putty would never hack the United States" Trump cried as the door hit him in the ass, on the way out. Well he was wrong again, and Russia hacked us so hard we almost became a Russian Bitch. They hacked all our big agencies, by first hacking the creator of the software those agencies use.Who knows what they found out, all the names of our agents and where their stationed. All our future plans . This type of crap could get peopled killed. All because Trump wanted to be Putin's buddy and pal. It's going to cost a lot of money to get our safety back. We're going to need to get our cyber security back up todate after Trump screwed it up.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Electoral Votes Affirmed Today , Trump Will Lose And It All Gets Cast In Stone.

Today anyway for Trump to steal the election ends today. Every court case that could change the election ,Trump lost. Joe Biden won and nothing will change that. Sadly some nimrods will still back Trump and send him money for his sting of his followers.Death threats will still come from losers without a brain.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Some Democrat's Act Like The Game Is Over , It's still The 3rd Quarter And There's A job To Finish In Georgia

Nope ,we still need to win the senate if we want there not to be gridlock and nothig getting done for the next couple of years. Georgia should be on every Democrats mind. We need to gerd our loins and get ready for one more battle before the war is finished. It's looking good but who knows if we can bring this thing across the finish line. KEEP THE FAITH , KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING, KEEP THE GOODTIMES ROLLING.

They Dusted Off A Totally Forgotten Sarah Palin In Georgia

This is the best they got Sarah Palin to Cheerlead in Georgia. She's been irelevant for a coon's age. Who they going to dig up next. It's beginning to look like the GOP is desperate again

When Did God Endorse Trump , I Only See Wackadoodle Religious Nuts Endorsing Him.

God never endorsed Trump , only right wing Religious wackadoodles have. Pat Robertson, who while on the 700 clubs said he could heal the sick. Nobody got healed. The Son of Billy Graham who crapped on his fathers name , endorsed Trump. All these fake holy rollers who are more about their own ego then the word of god , gladly sell the son of satan , Donald Trump as a savior.

With Every Court Loss Trump Becomes More of A Loser

Is Trump smart enough to stop the bleeding ? So far, no as he keeps shooting himself in the foot, with every baseless court case, that no way even makes sense. There comes a point when you raise the white flag and surrender to stop further damage. Trump reached that point a long time ago. Now it's just becoming an embarrassment.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

I don't understand the Cuban American's in Florida Voting For Trump

They don't see Trump is more like Fidel Castro then Joe Biden will ever be. All this talk about socialism is crap, Castro was a dictator that's not even close to being a socialist. He was way more communist then socialist. Cuban Americans sadly showed their ignorance. By letting themselves get brainwashed by Trump. Trump is a wanna be dictator, if he would of been reelected he would of eventually worked it into being a fill blooded dictator. Cuban Americans have lost my support,and any goodwill.

In The Long Run It's Better To Rip Off The Bandage Quickly ,GOP

Them playing footsie with Trumpers isn't going to amount to anything in the long run. Trumpers got short memories. If they can forget Trump lies the second them come out of his mouth their not going to remember all the ass kissing you gave to Trump om his way out the door. The GOP should show some dignity and tell the people the truth, Joe Biden, no matter what, is going to be president. All this crap spewing stuff you know is bullshit , only gives people no reason to trust you or believe anything you say in the future. Most of the GOP is dead to me,I don't suffer liars.

Fox's Sean Hannity Proves He is Pro-Dictator by Saying the Supreme Court Should of Given Trump The Election

This fake patriot on Fox News is a joke, he would take away millions of people votes ,and turn America into a dictatorship. Fox News ,A News Company that is owned by a non American telling us how to live. Rupert Murdoch , an Australian has created a news outlet to spew his idea of what America Should be. Screw that. Go back to the land down under where they won't buy your crap. Talk about dictators,socialist ,and communists,that's the kind of crap Fox News is selling.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Crackpot Lawyers That Work For Trump Give Lawyers A Bad Name

Ambulance Chasers got nothing on these losers.They go to court with zero evidence , pushing crackpot conspiracy theories they pulled out of their ass. They think judges are stupid and will buy this crap , nope so far not one judge bought what they were selling. Today The Supreme Court sad no way Jose to the garbage their selling.Dam who in their right mind would hire these lawyers who got their law school degrees from Trump University.
Did they pass a bar or get drunk at one? Your guess is as good as mine.

Everything Has Someone Who is Allergic to it , That is No Excuse Not To Get Vaccinated

I know people who get stung by a bee or wasp and then they need an epee pen. Me I get stung by a bee and nothing happens. Some people eat a peanut and they need an epee pen, me nothing happens. I get a rash if a pine needle picks me ,that my allergic trigger. Just like with any new medicine you take , you have a chance to be allergic to it. Me I break out if I take an Asprin. So you get vaccinated you have a allergic reaction get treated. If you need it you will get a shot of epherneferin and you'll be ok. Don't let fear keep you from getting vaccinated ,because whatever reaction you might get , Covid turning into pneumonia is a 100's times worse.

I Knew No Way Other States Like Texas Or Any Other State Can Be Involved In Other States Elections

Told You Last Week The Supreme Court Would Say They Had No Standing. Even me , who is not a lawyer, could see that outcome.Any Republican who jumped on this bandwagon really needs to go. They been all cultified by Trump ,and have had there brain sucked out their ass.

Myth Buster, It Is Impossible To Get COVID 19 From The Vaccine

There are zero Covid-19 cells in the vaccine.That would be the only way you could catch COVID from the vaccine if there were live virus cells in it. Only thing in the vaccine are proteins that are sinular to ones in the virus. By injecting them into your body , your body builds a resistance to these proteins and so fight the actual COVID-19 virus.

Deathsantis Running For President On The Corpse Of People Who Die From Covid In Florida

How sick is it to do everything you can to cause more pain and suffering in a bid to run as president? We thought Trump was a sick puppy wh...