Friday, August 27, 2021
One Traitor Committing Treason By Breaking Into The Capitol Was Shot, I Say Every Traitor That Broke Into The Capitol Should Be Shot.
For committing treason the old remedy should be brought back, being put against a wall and being shot by a firing squad.If someone breaks into your house, you have the right to stand your ground and you can shoot them.These people who broke into the Capitol desevred to treated like amy other person who breaks in, they were talking about hanging people and were a violent mob. If they were shot , I think more of them should of been shot.They deserved whatever happened to them , they beat, and caused the death of police officers. The Right spew this stuff about respecting the police,and that they support the blue. On that day they proved all that crap is meaningless to them.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
First President To Make The Military Get Vaccinated Was? George Washington During The Revolutionary War
It was ok for the first president it should be ok for Joe Biden, to manadate all members of the military get a COVID vaccination.All these phony Republicans crying about mandates that say you have to get vaccinated for COVID seem to ignore all the other vaccinations that are mandated in Republican states.All school children must have about 5 or 6 vaccinations before entering school. Polio , measles,mumps, whopping cough ,menigitis,chicken poxs, pertusis,diptheria,plus in some states even more.Plus everyone in the military is given those vaccination plus ones that are needed for any foreign countries there send to.
It's weird that COVID and Flu shots are almost about the only ones that are not mandated across the United States.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
The Fact Is America Hasn't Won A War Since World War 2
Korea ended om a cease fire,and that country was divided in two. Vietnam was just a plain loss.Iraq could still go either way. Afghanistan looks like a big loss.We supposedly got the biggest military on earth.So how can we lose,easy we never fully committed to the last 4 wars. Vietnam lost support of a lot of the American people, and we never fully committed to it. Afghanistan was put on the back burner and our forces were divided between a war there and one in Iraq.Iraq war sucked up all the forces needed to eventually win in Afganistan. Most of the last 4 wars didn't really have the support of a large part of the American people. Not much support at home doesn't give a soldier much of a reason to fight and win. Wars for no reason that matters are losing battles we don't need to fight.
Glad To See Schools In Florida Standing Up To The Stupid Governor In That State.
Some of the schools are standing up for the welfare of there students by requiring masks on there students.The governor decided not to pay the teacher but the teachers stood up to that putz Governor and put there students first.These teacher are true patriots and true heroes fighting a true zero who somehow conned his way into being governor
Monday, August 23, 2021
Stupid People Are Taking Meds For Worms In Cows And Horses For COVID And Are Poisoning Themselves.
Sometimes peoples stupid surprises me, meds for a 1000 pound animal being put in maybe if there overweight 300 pound peoples bodies.Plus it meds to kill worms, the Virus is not a worm dumbass, it's a virus. meds for a worm in the amount it takes in a cow is enough to kill the body cells in your body. It's as stupid is getting a shot full of bleach or sticking a UV light up your ass. It's Trump stupid
Sunday, August 22, 2021
If People Don't Fight For There Own Freedom It Will Mean Nothing To Them.
The US Can't go to some country and create a democracy and a free state if the people in that country don't fight for it to. In our own country there are million who don't struggle there entire life who have freedom given to them on a silver platter and have no clue what freedom means.It's up to the rest of us who had struggle in our lives to remind them freedom take sacrifice, it takes protecting that freedom to keep it safe from foreign and the enemies in our own backyard.The GOP has decided to be an enemy of freedom and take many Americans right to decide there own future and take away there voice at the voting box.Republicans are the enemy of freedom in a sick twisted game to stay in power when a majority of America would rather see them become extinct.
Republican Governors Must Hate The People In There States Cause They Don't Have Any Problem Killing Them
All this keeping people from wearing a mask in a state where the hospitals are packed with covid patients is putting everyones life at risk not just the ones that get the virus. The medical system can only serve so many people,and right now it's becoming a first come first serve system.You had a heart attack,stroke,were in a car accident to bad we don't got anyone left to help you,or a place for you in a hospital.So all you dumbasses who don't wear a mask , hope your lucky and don't end up dead from something else that isn't COVID.It proves to me , small minded people are to stupid to save themselves. Maybe that's a good thing having less stupid people.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Trump Was Leaving Afghanistan In March Without Helping Any Of The Afghan People Who Helped Us In War.
Nope he was going to let them probably be killed , just like he did to the kurds who helped us in Syria which he let be killed.Trump has zero loyalty to people who help the United States and they did so while risking there lives.At Least Biden will help evacuate as many people of Afghanistan that were our allies as possible.That could be 80,000 people. We did it with allies in Vietnam and we can do with the ones in Afghanistan no matter what the honorless Republicans want to do, abandon allies to be killed by the Taliban.If we do that enough times we will get no allies in future wars, why would we? People around the world see what goes on, there not stupid. So good luck in future wars with no in country allies. We will lose every war no matter how big our military is.
Once When I Was Banned On Facebook A Person From The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence Got Me Unbanned Over Night
Now When I'm banned , I'm banned but back when I was Purely a Anti-Gun advocate, a person who was a big spokesmen for the CSGV got me unbanned by starting a campaign to get me back on facebook and it worked. I had been banned by false reports on me made by gun nuts.
My lasted ban, which is still happening, was because I said a person who beats his pregnant girlfriend should have his ass kicked,I stand by that , I'm not a pacificed and never will be.Some people only understand violence and the only way to deal with them is an old fashion ass kicking. I am against killing people,I won't take it that far cause it lets them off to easy. Some people need to suffer.
Well, Looks Like Those Who Had Both There COVID Shots Should Get A booster Shot.
Eight months after your last vaccination shot you should go get a booster shot. Boosters will start in September, I got my first 2 shots late in June because I wanted to wait getting mine for 6 months after having COVID in January. So I guess I'll need a booster sometime next year. Fine with me, plus I think my antibodies after having COVID plus getting both my shots is pretty high, why not even make it higher after a booster shot. I never had a problem with vaccination of any kind. When I was A kid it was required to get all your vaccination before you went to school or while you went to school. They had a vaccination drive that came to the school and gave vaccination shots. Back in my day , we had smallpox , tetanus,measles ,mumps, pertusis,polio,whopping cough,diphtheria,and a few other vaccinations.I never seen any kid in my school get Autism,that is a myth created by a quack doctor to get attention and never had any scienctific proof.That doctor lost his license and is no longer a doctor.
So if you haven't got your first 2 go get them and protect your families and your neighbors , cause going to the hospital with COVID sucks, no one will be alowwed to visit you, Nurses will only come in when they have to, Breathing will be painful and being short of breath like I was lasted for 2 months until my body and lungs healed, that was not fun.
So if a booster will stop that from ever happerning again, Sign me up.My arm is waiting and ready to do it's duty to protect America in this war against a deadly virus.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
American Democracy Has Been Turned Into A Religion With Two Factions.
It's strange to see grown men acting like the constitution is the ten comandments written by god.It isn't it was written by mortals that can make mistakes.It was never meant to be the end all solution and unchangable.If your form of government is unadaptable to the changing times,there is no growth.America has become stuck in a rut,living by a set of rules that have gone way past there expiration date.The Constitution needs an update,that's long overdue.
It was written over 200 years ago,and it doesn't reflect the values of the people today.It doesn't help us with the problems we currently face. Plus it has been corrupted, by a two party system that looks at it and sees what they want to see.One a party of the wealthy,one a party of the poor. Each party has a certain master ,The GOP has the wealthy as a master , the democracts has the poor as there master.Each coming up with solutions to problems based on who rules them.
I'm not sure how long this party can last.Right now there's a lot of frustration ,tension,hate,and instabilty. Too many people are losing faith in a government that moves to slow or never fully solves anything. Problems get half solved with both sides being angry,in the end it's just not enough or a little to late.
Monday, August 16, 2021
Trump Spews Crap About Biden Deciding To Leave Afghanistan, Even Though Trump Was Planning If Reelected To Do It Even Sooner
Trump if he was still president was planning on leaving Afghanistan in March, you think the outcome would of been any different. Probably Not exspecially when Trump and his cronies didn't include any of the Afghanstan government in any of the talks with the Taliban.Right there was the nail in the coffin, the afghan people saw the writing on the wall,that not even the United States government saw the afghan goverment as legitimate. .So when the Taliban moved in most if not all of the Afghan military folded like a house of cards and just surrendered without a fight. So Trump your full of it,if you think it would of been any different if you were still president. So keep your piehole shut.
If Those People In Afghanistan Would Of Stood Up To The Taliban ,Who Are Trying To Flee Now , The Taliban Would Of Lost.
To me it's on the people of Afghanistan ,what's happening, none of them tried to stop the Taliban. None of them put there skins on the line,none of them seem to want to fight for there own freedom.Look at the number of people fleeing, if those people would of instead fought the Taliban, the Taliban would of lost.If you want freedom you have to be responsible for fighting for it yourself.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
United States Suck At Nation Building And Creating Democracies In Other Countries
Ronald Reagan thought he could change lasted as a democracy for a short time,but now it's almost back to being communist.Iraq is on a narrow line that could easily go the wrong away. Now Afghanistan goes back to a backward country where women are slaves and second class citizens, Well they had 20 years of freedom at least.Now back to burkas , not getting an education, and being treated like shit.
You can't force democracy on people who don't understand what freedom is.None of these countries get freedom , there stuck in there religion,and can't grow past it. Democratic societies only work when there a seperation between the government and religion.
We in our own country are ,if we aren't careful, going to lose democracy ,to crazy conspiracy nuts who don't understand freedom.Some how the ideals od freedom are being lost or bastardized into something that is not about freedom. It has become a place where a lot of Americans don't want to make the sacrifices that are needed to keep a democracy healthy and living.
So I don't think we should be pushing democracy, because we are on the verge of letting it die right here in the United States.
George Bush Took His Eye Off The Ball In Afghanistan By Starting A War In Iraq, And In The End We Lose Both Wars.
Did we win in Iraq , not when Isis came out of it.Now the Taliban will take back Afghanistan and that makes it possible for another Osama Bin Laden to crawl out from under a rock. So we lose it all,and America will not be safer. In the long run the hitting by planes on the twin towers ended up being a winning strategy. They played the long game , while we played the short sighted one. We basicaly created the Taliban by helping the people of Afghanistan in there fight against the U.S.S.R. After that they had loads of weapons to use in a civil war that the taliban won.We created the monster, the monster attacked us in the end.
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Even Though the Percentage Of White People Is Going Down Republicans Will Gerrymander There way into controlling the senate and the house.
The Wrong States added more people, Texas and Florida,got more people, well until unchecked COVID kills a few of them.They will gerrymander there way into Republican control, Unless fair voting laws can get inacted . The GOP will have 10 years of control until the next census,after that they will be in big trouble as the white race as a percentage really drops. It stupid not to change your ideas to conform to a changing America, but the GOP seems to be incapable of doing that, so they rig the elections in there favor. I don't know if the American people will get tired of there bullcrap and throw off there chains. It could go really bad and end in a civil war if the GOP keeps playing there dirty games. A minority in control never ends well and people usually ask why are we following them.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
How Far Rudy Giuliani Has Fallen After Lying In The Name Of Donald Trump
First disbarred as a lawyer, now being sued and having to defend himself from the law.He's got no money and like all former Trumpets , Trump won't give him a dime. With Billions of dollars worth of money he could lose in being sued. Rudy could be on the way to the poor house. But he got an idea he decided to panhandle and beg for money by selling personal message from Rudy for $250.00 each. How pathetic and sad once know as Americans Mayor sold his soul to Donald Trump and lost it all.
Texas and Florida is now suffering from there no mask and antivaxer foolishness.
It was predicted and could be seen coming from a mile away.The Governors of those two states decide to ignore the science and now the hospitals of those states are crammed with COVID patients.ICU beds are full and people who don't have covid are being sent away.Is it just plain stupidity or do they not care about the people in there states? The Governor of Florida is actually saying he will fine teachers who have there students wear a mask.But some with common sense are ignoring Desantis ,and will require there students to wear a mask. For the good of America some ignorant politicians need to be ignored, ones that base there decisions on polictics instead of science.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
The Confederate South Is The Ancestor Of The Trumpers
A major majority of the Trump base is in previous confederate states.They all want to fight the civil war over again and make African Americans slaves again.Well that is not going to happen. If there is another civil war the industrial north will crush the south again. I can't see Trumpers winning they don't have the smarts or the brains on there side.They got a lot of stupid people running around with guns , it takes actual planning to win a war. They couldn't plan there way out of a box. The Army , the Marines, and all the other military services, got plans aready made to deal with the Trumpers. They started making them right after January 6th. So we're ready now, so bring it and most likely die Good riddance to bad rubish.
Hopefully One Day There Will Be One Global Government , War ,famine ,and world wide epidemics will be a thing of the past.
Some problems can't be defeated by a country ,or an area on the map but need a global effort to solve them. Disease won't be held back by a countries borders neither will global warming.Why have wars if every country is part of a whole? Maybe it's time to stop all this nationalist crap and realize the world as a whole is in the same boat. One world government would bring everyone every where the basic resources to survive. Clean water and electricity can be brought to every place on earth. Health concern can be tackled on a world wide bases.Viruses can be fought efficiently and quickly.Less political bullshit if every person on earth is given a vote and a voice on how the earth is run. It will take awhile to get a global government into place, but it would be the best thing for the people and for the earth itself.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
It's Weird When Facebook Bans Me But Doesn't Ban People Who Spread Lies About Masks And Vaccination, which does a lot more damage
Banned again for posting a person who beats there pregnant girlfriend should have there ass kicked. Really that's worse then people posting total crap on wearing a mask and telling people with total crap, not to get vaccinated.The people who post this crap get away scott free as they talk others in to possibly killing or harming themselves.
Maybe it's time create a new Facebook cause the one we have now is broken.
Some Dumb Person Said Solar Energy Is Dirtier Then Oil based Way Of Creating Electricity
No Solar Cells are made of Silicon which has been used since Early Egyptians used it. It can in its powder form if breathed in can give you cancer of the lungs, but if made in to solar cells no way is that in a powder form.You don't need go way under the earth to get it, It is one of the must abundent materials on earth and can be found right on the surface. Solar Cells are way cleaner then petoleum based energy scoures.
Another thing the person claimed was that acid from batteries would poison the earth, that can be easily handled by neutralizing the acid with a base element making it harmless, that's basic chemistry. That creates oxygen so more oxygen would be a good thing.
I find it funny when a protrumper tries to get involved in any discussion on science.Is that something they even believe in? A knowledge of basic chemistry would of told them when you add a base to an acid the acid is change mostly in to oxygen or sometimes carbon dioxde. They should know you don't need to go deep in a mine to find Silicon.
The Burning of Oil creates Carbon Monoxide which is a deadly poison. If for some reason your chimney doesn't work and carbon Monoxide builds up in your home, your dead. If this Carbon Monoxide gets in the atmosphere it traps heat and after awhile that heat causes yes global warming. Just look at Venus , all you see is a cloud covering the whole planet , that cloud is carbon monoxide. It's hot as hell down on the surface. That can be the earth if we keep pumping that crap in our air.
Progressive Democrats Need To Learn A Bird In The Hand Is Better Then 2 In The Bush.
If there not taking what they can the Progressive Democratic can still tank the infrastructure bill in the house. I hope they get the one they got in there hand now, done, and sent to the president to sign as soon as possible. Then worry about the human infrastructure bill.I hate playing games ,I don't care which political party does it.Do your jobs that is a message to both the Republican party and the Democratic Party.
Monday, August 9, 2021
Say Things Like Civic Pride, Civic Duty, or Compromise ,and people look like you just swore and they put up the sign of the cross and cringe in fear.
What is wrong with having civic pride or have a sense of civic duty? What is wrong with sometimes making sacrifices for the betterment of all? It used to be the way things were done, in times of war everyone had a duty and they did it either on the home front or on the shores of Normandy , or the sands of Iwo Jima. Those days are over it seems, and the only thing people care about is there owm interests. I see people who crap in there own living spaces by throwing litter every where. That sure isn't civic pride that's being a pig. Then others are basically saying they could careless if others die horrible deaths as long as then get there own way and live as they wish with no thought of society as a whole. That's how the human race ends.
Fox News Isn't Any Different Then The Gossip Rags Like The Star . The National Enquirer,or the Gossip Rag Rupert Murdoc Created In England
Rupert Murdoc created the first gossip rag in jolly old England , and he's brought it to TV in the U.S.A in the form of FOX NEWS. It's nothing different then any other gossip rag , it doesn't need to be true, but it needs to be something that draws a crowd. Sadly there are too many people that read those gossip rags and believe everything they see. Most of it is hearsay or totally crap. Just like the TV version of a gossip rag named FOX News.
This Is A War The Human Race Is Losing And COVID Is Winning
COVID Is right now out there building the nuclear bomb of viruses while we are out there fighting with bows and arrows.We are inflicting more friendly fire on ourselves then hurting the virus. We shoot ourselves in the foot everytime someone spreads misinformation on the virus and getting vaccinated.The weapons we have against the virus only work if a majority of people are armed with them.That means getting a vaccine, using a mask when necessary ,and basic hygiene.
As it stand COVID is winning , won't be long and we will look back on the Delta variant lovingly as the next more deadly variant spreads and kills millions of more people.Pandora's box has been opened and it won't be closed again. COVID might never go away. Nature which is good at adapting always wins in the end.
This isn't going to end well, Plus Who Know What new Viruses are out there hiding in remote places , ready to be brought to the civilized world. We're not doing a good job fighting COVID , I doubt will do a good job when the next killer virus comes along.As the population grows and remote areas open up we are going to find things that don't like us or want to feed on us. Viruses , bacterias, and who knows what. Antibiotic resistant strains are already out there , more will come. No medicine is effective forever eventually the diseases adapts and learn to defeat them. They have a will to live like any living thing.
Sunday, August 8, 2021
No Where is There A Society Where There Is Total Freedom.
It wouldn't last long if every body did whatever they wanted without taking in the care of every citizens health and welfare.All these crazy ass Trumpers yelling about their freedom to basically spread disease is I'm going to say it stupid. What next kill people you don't like? Take whatever drugs you want and make the rest of us pay to take care of you. You want to go steal whatever you want? Limitless freedom is a myth , it can't exist and never will. A civilization without rules won't last long. If I hear one more loser cry about there freedoms because they need to get a shot or wear a dam mask. I will tell you what I thing of your sorry ass. The Pioneers and soldiers who built Freedom and America are rolling over in their graves at the sight of such pathetic people. THey sacrificed it all , and so many people are so wimpy they can't get a shot. You should be proud of your little selves. That was a joke.
People Who Get Their News From FOX Should Be Banned From Social Media.
You know any post they post will be full of conspiracy theories and stuff that is total bullshit. Tuckers is out there making news up everyday and they fired any credible reporters they have or they left FOX a long time ago.So anything they take in and pass out their ass doesn't pass the smell of truth test buts got a strong bullshit fragrance. They banned Trump now that need to ban the fruits of his loins , his sick demented followers.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Desantis Pulls It's Immigrants Causing The Increase Of COVID In Florida Out Of His Ass
First Florida is not on the boarder, so say what? That makes zero sense. Maybe it's your stupid policies almost making wearing a mask illegal. Maybe it's your stupid making getting vaccinated political.Desantis has done nothing since the beginning about COVID, he thought he could pray or wish it away.Well sorry that doesn't work in the real world and your state has lot of people with COVID filling hospital beds.Some of those people will die. Tell you a little secret Desantis and his whole family are vaccinated, and I'm sure they get extra protection against COVID. While he says screw you to the rest of the people of Florida,with one exemption the Trump family.
Friday, August 6, 2021
To those that won't get vaccinated and say the rest of us can stay home SCREW YOU
There selfish, useless, people who only care about themeselves , They aren't thinking about people who have autoimmune diseases.or children who at this time can't be vaccinated. They are basically saying to these people stay locked up in your house because we don't want to contribute to society because we are free to be assholes. When did America become such a shithole country?
Thursday, August 5, 2021
GOP Doesn''t Got A Problem Making 11 Million Americans Homeless.
11 million people om the verge of being put out on the street during a major medical crisis. Isn't that kind of stupid , won't it increase the spread of the the new delta virant of covid. Right now people living out on the street increasees the risks to everyones health. Some of these 11 million will include kids,and families . some who are working just not making enough to pay the bills. 11 million people is like in one of those African 3rd world countries where people are living in tents.That what America is becoming? Shows some real patriotism and stop this crap from happening in the supposedly greatest country in the world. I'm asking really, y0u think we're great then fucking prove it.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Ron Desantis Has Moved On From His Job As Governor Of Florida And Is Running For President In 2024
Right now the people of Florida are the furthest thing from the mind of Ron Desantis. He could care less that COVID is striking his states citizens and killing some of them.He moved on ,he's running for president. He's all over the place just not in Florida and doing the job he's supposed to be doing. Talk,Talk,Talk , with no action , sounds like his mentor Trump.
Who Really Wanted To Steal An Election? DONALD TRUMP DID
Proof everyday comes out on Trump trying to rig rlection so he could win. He again, like he always does projects his sick twisted thoughts and actions on others.He was the one telling people in his administration to commit illegal acts to give him the win he didn't deserve. None of them were going to break the law and stick there necks out for Trump.Least some people with honor in the Trump Admin.
Monday, August 2, 2021
My Body My Choice , My Tax Dollars My Choice Not To Pay Your Medical Bills When Your Choices Suck
I hear that all the time from Anti-Vaxxers , or people who do drugs. It's my body my choice, but if then by your choice you end up on a ventilator should I have to pay for it in anyway. Same with you drug addicts who say my body my choice , why do I then have to contribute to sending your sorry ass to rehab.
I'm ok with my body my choice , if your choices goes south it's your money paying to repair the damage. But if the money's coming out of my pocket, well then Houston we got a problem.
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Deathsantis Running For President On The Corpse Of People Who Die From Covid In Florida
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Now When I'm banned , I'm banned but back when I was Purely a Anti-Gun advocate, a person who was a big spokesmen for the CSGV got ...