Must be great when you can buy your way out of jail, Right Bill Cosby.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Today Again Proves There Are 2 Justice Systems One For The Rich And Famous, and One For The Poor And Nameless.
A person whose got boat loads of money ,will get probation , get a few years , or somehow gets his convivtion over turned. While the poor mostly get the maxuim sentence,get crappy free lawyers who are clueless.
How Many People Stand Up For The National Anthem Out Of Peer Pressure or Because It Is A Learned Response?
Some people get so crazy over someone not standing up for the national anthem. So I ask the question in the title of this post. I know some people stand not under standing freedom or democracy , but stand because it's a learned response. Rituals after awhile are done without thought and become meaningless.Not saying everyone is not standing for a reason but I'm betting there are some just following the herd.
Remember The Caravan of Immigrants That Miraculously Disappeared , Well Trump Is Going To The Border Again to Play More Tricks
What harebrained publicity stunt is Trump Planing Now? He's going to the border to play games again and create more bullshit.Maybe bring back invisible caravans that never arrive , or lie about a invisible wall that was supposedly built a long time ago that was never finished.Is he going to claim he is the president ,
president of delusionals in his own mind in an alternative universe that lives by alternative facts.
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Republican Party is The Party of Half Assing It ,and The Party Of Not Doing Enough To Solve A Problem
They will do something but most of the time it adds up to not doing enough to solve a problem. They just want to put on a show, that leads to a whole lot of nothing. They are not problem solvers they just cover up with a little paint to hide the damage underneath.
They are holding up the George Floyd bill over police having there immunity from being sued taken away and being held accountable. If there is no accountability what incentive do the police have to not beat on people they arrest. NONE
They held up the bill to create a group to study and ask question about what lead up to and what happened on January 6th. Why? They may be quilty of helping the insurrection happen.
Now they are holding up the infrastruture bill, they want a limited bill that doesn't solve all the problems.Half Assing it again, thinking small when we need something big and bold.
The GOP is holding America back , keeping us from being great, making us small.
Monday, June 28, 2021
A New Phone Scam I Just Got. Someone Saying That There Federal Agents Saying They Have A Warrant Under My Name.
First if there's a warrant under your name , there not going to call you,they will just come and arrest you. I listened to there speal then hung up and called the number back ,guess what the number was to nothing , no such number exists.I suppose if I had press 1 they would of wanted my SS number or bank account numbers. If a court contacts you it won't by email or phone. It will come by snail mail on official paper.
When You Think About Celebrating The 4th Of July , Remember what it's About
The Declaration of Independance was signed and created to fight against a dictator named George who was the King of England. Do you think it's smart now to install another dictator named Donald? , who wants supreme power with no curbs to it. He wants his word alone to create the rules we all live by. This is my personal declaration of independance , I will do everything in my power to keep Donald Trump from making himself ruler of America.
I Can't Listen To One More Convoluted Speech By Mitch McConnell On Why He's Going Along With Destroying Democracy.
Why was he against a January 6th commission? I listened to his nonsense reasons he stated, but it was total gibberish. Why not ok the George Floyd Act ? Another barrel of bullshit from Mitch's mouth.What is the hold up on infrastucture bill? Mitch's response more meaningless dribble. Sorry folks you want to get stuff done to help the American people , McConnells got to go, this cancer can't be cured but needs to be surgically be removed
Talking About Patriotism Doesn't Make You A Patriot , Acts of Courage Do
Republicans crow about patriotism then act like cowards. None of these gutless wonders would of fought on the sands of Iwo Jima , or stormed the beaches of Normandy. Trump, the biggest coward puffs out his chest , after he used the excuse of bone spurs in his feet to get out of service, claiming he would do something courageous, but if you're honest you know it's just another breathe of hot air.Talk is cheap , acts of courage now days is a rare thing in Trumpville. Not one Republican has the courage to tell Donald Trump the truth that he lost.Every time I hear some Trumper talk about patriotism , I laugh because they don't have a clue what it is. They think there yelling and screaming makes them patriots. Sorry patroits at least in America stand up for the freedom of everyone and democracy. Time to call out the pretenders, let them know, we know the truth
Sunday, June 27, 2021
If Your God Is Greed Than Jesus Isn't Your Savior
If your goal is to make a ton of money and it doesn't matter how you treat people along the way go join Trump and the Religious Right that's there goal.Don't talk about Jesus and then let people go without food and a roof over there head. Because I'll call you out as a fake. Don't deny immigrants a better life cause then again your a fake. Don't treat other people different then you would like to be treated that makes you fake.Trump and Trumpers are the biggest fakes of all. They talk alot but say nothing. Lies are nothing they all add up to zero.
The Proof That Our Education System Is a Failure Is............
So many people are easily lied to. Come on there at least 74 million suckers in this country. Any one who voted for Trump was buying lies and foolishness.These people must not of been educated enough to tell truth from bullshit.Too many American are easily lead on a trip through the twilight zone. Quanon , Trumpism , and yes I'll say it Scientology. All a pile of crap that has no place in reality.Too many people are living in a fairy tale of there own creation.Real life has gotten to hard for them because they weren't educated enough so they go through life living in crazyville in there own mind.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Ron The Dumb Ass Johnson Is Going to Publish All The Adverse Effects of Vaccination
So give the stupid more reasons to act stupid and not get vaccinated. For any medicine you take other people probably died from it or had serious reactions. No meds are risk free , people have died from taking a dam Asprin does that mean no one should ever take one.A lot more people would be dead right now if a medicine was cancelled if a few people died or had adverse effects from it. No more antibiotics if you use Ronny's view on medicine , no more pain killers , no more any medicines for anything. Lets just let every one suffer from things they don't have to suffer from.
People Who Follow Trump , Do It Out Of Their Own Insecurities.
They need others to blame for their own pathetic lives.
So Trump, who likes to blame other for his failures, has become their poster boy. Trump likes to make scapegoats every time he makes a mistake. He's not man enough to man up and own his failures and learn from them. He keeps making the same fails over and over. So expect his last fails to repeated over and over because he will never learn, and he doesn't want to be a better person and grow. He was stunted a long time ago and hasn't changed since.
His follows are the same , people who will never grow as a person, held back by their own ignorance. Sadly stunted incapable of personal growth.They need others to blame
Trump Ego Needs A Little Love , He taking His Stupid On The Road Again
Trump is going on the road ,to spread his hate. Get the stupid mesmerized by the shiny objects,even though it's bullshit shined up.Just what this country needs a person stirring up more hate, against people whose only crime is being different. Lets make fun of the disabled like Trump did in the past. Lets build more hate of Chinese Americans so more of them can be beaten.Lets get more people to hate transgender and gay people. Lets further divide this country with more scapegoating hate to make the racist feel more superior.
How Many Structures Are Ready To Collapse Like That Building In Florida?
Really at a time where the GOP wants to play games with the infrastructure bill, how many structures are ready to collapse? How many bridges if just the right amount of weight put on it and it will fall? Time is ticking till the next major accident kills a lot of people.How many building were not built to last more then 40 years? If a building just 40 years old can fall a bridge that's been there for a hundred years can fall just as easy.Right now this countries infrastructure gets a C rating. Are you willing to risk your family on a bridge with only a C grade? That might not even be the grade of that bridge , thats the average grade of all bridges, the bridge your on could even be worse.
Friday, June 25, 2021
You Can Create A Law But Police Have To Be Behind Enforcing It
I'm not sure many police persons are going to arrest people for giving others water in a voting line. THere are a lot of laws like it's illegal to spit on the sidewalk that are totally ignored. I don't see people enforcing not letting people give water. If enough people ignore a law it becomes almost impossible to enforce. Laws are made to create justice what forms of justice is it not giving a person water.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Beginning To Not Care If Republican Trumpers Get Vaccinated.
Do I really care if Trumpers are healthy?
As long as I do the right thing get my vaccinations. I beginning to not care if the people who follow Trump get vaccinated. I know it sounds like a bad thing but I don't care if they live or die if they don't care themselves. People got enough of there own worries and don't have time to worry about the life of Trumpers.These people who would gladly steal the right of others to vote , really don't get any sympathy from me.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
When Dictators Around The World Use The Acts Of The GOP As A way To Show Democracy Is A Failure, We're In Trouble
Putin held up the acts of January 7th as a failure of Democracy. He will hold up the acts of voter supression as an act of Democracies failure. The Death of our Democracy seems to be the goal of the GOP , Once it dies and we lose all credibility around the world. The GOP expects to be permanently installed into to power by becoming all little Dictators
Monday, June 21, 2021
FBI Claims They Didn't Know January 6th Was Going To Be Violent.
Really, no one in the FBI reads Facebook posts. For 2 weeks people were posting about the things they were planing on doing January 6th. A lot of it was violent , cryptic, and left nothing to the imagination.So either the FBI is out of touch , or lying about what they knew before it happened. Johnny come lately FBI always seem to be too late to the party.We deserve a better FBI , We pay taxes for a better FBI, If they can't do there job they need to be replaced
Saturday, June 19, 2021
With The Information Age The Bullshit Age Came Along With It.
So much information comes out so fast that it's impossible to fact check it before it does damage if it's bullshit. Anti-Vazers were sold a pile of crap that vaccination caused Autism. That went out before others had a chance to fact check it. After it was found out to be junk science and totally wrong.Too late , because uneducated people bought into the lie and to this day fight vaccination tooth and nail.
Unless people get educated enough to know truth from fiction we are going to be in big trouble. We got news outlets like FOX News who know there selling bullshit , brainwashing the ignorant. We got cults like Quanon out there drafting the rubes to their cause.Someone once said a sucker is born every minute, but in truth through a lack of a good education system one is grown.
If we can't teach true history as it happened,all we end up with is another generation of drones ready to be brainwashed by bullshit. Without a good foundation of knowledge we become easy marks to people who want to use us for there own purposes.
Education is the key to a golden future of prosperity , ignorance is the death of all we hold dear
The Republican Right Is As Religious As My Ass , And My Ass Follows The God Of The Crapper And Make Daily Sacrifices
I actually have no clue how the religious right considers themselves religious. I'm not sure what bible they read or if a lot of pages in there copies are missing. I think they lost the Judge not or you will be judge part because their dog ate it. Wonder what happened to the turn the other cheek page, The if you live by the sword you'll die by the sword page because they all want to carry the modern day version of a sword which is a gun. THey only follow certain parts of the bible as they totally ignore other ones. Can you really be that religious if you only follow some of the words of god and ignore other ones. I DON"T THINK IT WORKS THAT WAY. Jesus will come and judge us in the end it says, some will claim that they did all these things in his name, He will turn away from them and say I do not know you. I'begining to believe the so called Religious Right will be the ones making these claims
Republicans Are So Ashamed Of Some American History They Ban It , Is This So They Can Hide Their Shameful Acts They Commit Today.
Are they setting up in the future a way to hide the shameful acts they are commiting right now. Because a lot of what they do I'm sure they'll be ashamed of in the future.
As most southern states are Republican , I can see why they don't want African American history taught, There shame runs deep over slavery and sadly they can't handle the truth. They can't handle the truth of what happened in the 1960's people getting beaten for standing up, just cause they wanted to be treated like everyone else.
When the Republican party changed with the Southern strategy , they inherited racism , and the past of racism. Now they embrace it and wrap themselves in the stars and bars of the Confederate flag. The Party that once fought slavery has become the party of slavery. They want to chain up African Americans , stuff a gag over their mouths,and keep them from voting.
Now they want to burn the books of history that tell the truth about slavery , they want to burn the books that tell how white settlers treated the native Americans. They want to erase any words that tell about the trail of tears or the massacre at wounded knee.
In the end they want to free themselves from their shame not like men of honor, who would own it and grow morally, But to erase it from mind, not own up to it like cowards.
I see a future when they will try to rewrite history , about Donald Trump , about January 6th which has already started,and about trying to keep people who would vote them out from voting. Again they show their true stripes , the yellow one that runs down there backs saying we are cowards.
Friday, June 18, 2021
A reported 6 accidents have happened in a US research facility where new versions of the Coronavirus are created and studied..
Maybe the next version of a new Coronavirus will be let lose in the United States . The rest of the world can call it the American Virus.The accidents which were luckily contained could of released a new Coronavirus into the world. Diseases are getting studied world wide in many countries. These studies create new viruses and a major accident could release something totally new into the system. This time it was China , next time who knows what country will create and release the next killer virus. It's a strange Russian Roulette game on a world wide stage.Do we need to be creating new viruses, shouldn't we leave that to nature. Humans trying to play god usually mess it up. Nature in the end always wins.
If Having A Government That Actually Cares About The People Is Socialism , call me a Socialist
The GOP likes to label and play word games to confuse Republican Voters. That I understand isn't that hard to do as most follow like zombies and have trouble thinking for themselves. The word Socialism has been twisted into meaning a government that does things to make people lives better is Socialist.So FDR one of the greatest presidents in history and the only one voted in for 3 terms was a socialist. He created Social Security, during the depression he gave millions jobs building infrastructure projects across America.Obama finally gave everyone a chance to get decent healthcare he was also labeled a socialist. Weird when helping the poor and middleclass are given help is a bad thing and when the GOP lets the rich pay no taxes and in some industries gives them money it's not Socialism. Guess the rich for some reason deserve handouts, given tax breaks or are given tax payers money for I'm not sure what in the form of subsidies. Big Oil gets government subsidies, why when they make more money then most companies in the United States.How is that not socialism in some way.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
You Can Lead A Trumper or Republican to A Better Life But You Can't Make Them Live It.
I know it's you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it. But my version is just as true, Diehard Trumpers and Republicans would let thereselves die first before voting for the people who would make their lives better. They seem to not care about better healthcare , a better environment, stoping global warming. Each thing that if they aren't corrected end in death. There betting their lives on eberyone being wrong really and would rather people who are clueless and stupid.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Putin is missin his ass kissin , with Trump not there
No more buying Putins lies, no more rolling over and playing dumb. No a real president is in town , not Trump the clown. The circus days are over. Russia is not or ever has been the United States friend. Russia was going in the right direction but let democracy die in its infancy. Now it's run by a dictator and is corrupt.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Koch Suckers Are Trying To Take Over America
Joe Manchin is a Koch Sucker, Most Republicans are Koch Suckers.American's for Prosperity is run by Koch Suckers.The Tea Party was a bunch of Kock Suckers.
What do Koch Suckers want?
To keep people from voting , from anyone doing anything about global warming , To keep big oil and dirty energy in business , to stop renewable energy and clean energy. To keep dark money in politics so they can buy politicans .They lead things so the rich can be in control , not pay their fairshare. Not pay people a decent wage. They hide behind groups that have names that sound like they would do good things but they don't and are only there to keep the wealthy in power.
You don't stay Great Living On The Fumes Of Past Greatness.
For to long too many Americans think we're the greatest so we don't need to become better. After awhile if you don't try to grow it greatness becomes last place. Trump was a false promise of greatness, it was only hollow words , with no acts of greatness behind it. The rest of the worlds education system is become better then what we got in the old USA. The rest of the world spends money on infrastructure while ours crumbles around us.They got high speed rail , we still don't.If you rest on past achievements you get left behind. We are getting further and further behind. Mostly it's the GOP putting the brakes on progress, and holding us back. The rest of the world is slowly weaning itself off coal ,gas,and oil. We aren't at a pace to even keep up.They will develope a economy based on renewalable energy , we will still be choking on the fumes of oil and coal.We were the leaders , now sadly we became the followers,and the last to the party.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Weird How Republicans Care More About ,Confederate Statues, Doctor Seuss Books , and Mister Potato-Head More Then Real People.
Oh no their banning a Doctor Seuss book , but a crazy takes out a AR-15 and kills 30 or more people ,you hear crickets. I think I like politician that care for actual living and breathing people more then they do a plastic toy named Mister Potato-Head. All the nut jobs start a riot for one old statue of some loser from the Civil War gets taken down. Where's the out cry when some kid whose homeless goes with food?Everyday Republican show where there priorities are focused and it's not on the middle class or poor. It's on culture wars they exploit to divide America. That's because they have had a new idea since Reagan , now all they do is bring out trickle down economics ,dust it off and shine it up and pass it off as something new.It didn't work when Reagan was president , it didn't work under either Bush as President, and it surely didn't work with Trump as president.
Joe Manchin , A Republican in Democrats Clothing , he needs to go
He may call himself a Democrat , but if he supports the GOP supressing votes he's lying. He so far plans on letting Americans across this country lose their voting rights through crooked laws to so call stop corruption that isn't even there. Joe Manchin a Democrat in name only, doesn't seem to care at all about Democratic values. He needs to be primaried right out of a job.
Sometimes You Need to Take A Break From The Trump Circus ,Tune out The Trumpers Who Believe The Crap They Hear On FOX
It will rot your brain if you try to make sense of anything coming out of the sphincter of Trump and Fox News. You really shouldn't listen to much to people who are mentally ill and who aren't living in the real world. Trump will be named president by August is the next myth, I guess that one came out of the ass of the my pillow guy. So that what sleeping on a my pillow does to your brain, It rots it.As the Trumpers tune out reality and zone out while watching Tucker Carlson's latest load of brainfarts. The rest of America moves on to a brighter future where the golden currency of truth out shines the clouds of hate of the past. No more hate of African Americans, Mexicans,Gays, and Asians is being spewed out by the President of The United States. The President we have now is about bringing us together instead of stirring a witches brew of hate to drive us apart. Sadly the witch living in Florida didn't have a house fall on him, he still muttering his foolish spells.
Monday, June 7, 2021
Trump & His Lackeys In The GOP Have Put A Wrench In America's Democratic Image.
How can we push democracy around the world when in a lot of ways we're failing at it right here at home?
Keeping people from voting ,is not the act of a democratic country, it the act of a country run by a dictator. Gop seems to want to crown Trump as the leader of the United States, even if the people don't want it.A majority said no to Trumps politics of hate, racism, and just plain crap.Trump lost in every business venture he was involved in, being president wasn't any different. Sorry I know that fake reality show the apprentice created a false vision of a great business man that Trump never could live up to in the real world. Most so called reality show are fake ,phony, and full of crap. There for entertainment and can't be held to be truthful. Most so called "News" commentary shows on FOX have disclaimers saying they are entertainment not be taken as truth.That's what they claim in ever court case brought against them.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Using The Filibuster To Steal The Next Election.
All this crap, that you need 60 votes instead of a majority is causing stagnation and getting nothing done. The GOP doesn't care about what a majority of what Americans want.The only thing they care about is playing to Donald Trump. Nothing else seems to matter, reality doesn't matter, truth is dead,and what the majority wants doesn't matter. They again show their true spots as the party of no, no matter what , even if it hurts many Americans, they say no. It's foolish to say no to stuff if under a different president they would say yes. Whould they of said no to a commision to study what happened on January 6th if Trump wasn't against it to protect his own ass? Probably not. If you have a party who isn't dealing fairly,with the American people as what is most important,and trying to help instead of hinder you should take away the filibuster and get to work to save America and democracy from the GOP and Trump.
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