Monday, May 31, 2021
Immigrants Through The History Of The United States Brought New Idea's And Inventions That Made America Great
America wouldn't be able to call it self great without the contributions of immigrants. We would of never had a rocket program that got us to the moon if not for an immigrant from Germany. That's just one small thing, Nuclear Power was created by an immmigrant. So these anti-immigrants are doing us no favors , they could be keeping the next Einstein from coming to America. They could be hindering the curing of Cancer, or some other great idea from being spawned in America. Immigrants keep us growing to be something better, without them we stagnant ,become average,and become less.
Friday, May 28, 2021
The United States and It People Have Really Changed
When I was a kid no parents kept there kids from being vaccinated. It wasn't even a thought in any of there heads.People took the society as a whole into account, now people only care about themselves.We ended small pox , that today could never happen. We stopped a lot of diseases from killing people ,almost no one today get tetanus , no one gets whooping cough, rarely do people get polio . the measles ,or the mumps. But we are going backward now all those diseases are making a come back because people are to foolish about vaccinations. Vaccination never have or ever will give a kid autism , sorry there are no crediable scientific facts to support getting autism from a vaccination. America was a different place in the past ,everyone knew they were part of something bigger then themselves. Now too many people can't see past there own noses.
GOP Prove Again They Can't Handle The Truth As They Vote Against A Committee to Look into the January 6 Insurrection.
We all know they have no spine and a yellow streak runs down there backs. They fear one old rich man who has zero morals.Who lost the last election. Does licking the boots of a loser make you a loser? There living in a land of lies based on bullshit, no wonder they stink as people and as leaders.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Both Trump and His Followers Are People Who Won't Do The Work To See If The Things They Parrot Are True of False.
Lazy minded people who parrot the latest propaganda on FOX, That doesn't make you smart that makes you brain washed.Sorry, I only buy if it's backed with truth , one lie in the foundation of an idea makes it all crumble. This crap about Biden have dementia , really Trump acts more demented that anyone I know , A person who spews lies constantly , that's having dementia to me.If your not living in the real world that's dementia. Sadly that's all Trump Followers have half truths and lies , a house built of cards, that can fall down all around them with the slightest breeze.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
GOP Thinks People Don't Want To Work , Don't You Think People Doing Nothing Would Get Bored?
To me that sounds stupid , everyone needs things to fill their time om earth.Even homeless people work ,
going from dumpster to dumpster looking for food is work, buiding a home out of card board boxes is work. People who grow their own food are working.Hunting and gathering is work. People sitting in an office deciding other peoples life isn't real work. It creates nothing it's not real work. GOP creates nothing and they haven't for a long time, saying no is not an act of creation but an act of destruction.So what gives them the right to decide who is working or not. NOT THEM
You Shouldn't Need To Be Bribed To Get Vaccinated , What Happened To Civic Pride And Duty To Ones Neighbors?
It's sad that some people won't get vaccinated without get bribed to do it. Caring about your fellow American's should be reason enough to go get vaccinated. This country would of never made it through the World Wars with this it's all about me atitude. Americans used to go to war as everyone on board, The Soldiers went to war and the people at home did everything they could to support them. If America needed people to come together to fight some problem , it happened and those problems would be defeated. Now problems don't get defeated , America can't get people to rally to defeat anything. Too many Americans are, what about me , not carry about others.
There is an old saying United We Stand Divided We Fall. We have never been more divided than anytime in history. Get Ready For The Fall
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
In What Weird Universe Is The Killing Of 6 Millions Jews In Gas Chambers or Through Starvation ,The Same As Having To Wear A mask?
In The One Where Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene Live.Twisted , Strange, Universe of the racist and morally evil.Does anyone who thinks those things are equal have a brain? That's debatable.
Should cops be held responsible for their action? ANSWER YES
This crap about cops being protected from being sued and held as not responsible for their own actions is why cops think their above the law and can kill whoever they want ,beat whoever they want. There has to be someway to make them personally responsible for thier actions.The GOP wants to give them immunity from civil lawsuits. I don't think anyone should be protected from civil justice. No penalties mean chaos , and lets people do anything they want, even if it's totally evil.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Cover Up In Police Killing of Black Man In Louisiana, Whose in on the conspiracy?
Chief of police ?
Fire Department or Rescue Squad Members?
How could the head of the police department not know about what's happening in his own department? He knew. After someone dies like that most times there is an autopsy , you mean the corner missed the marks from tasers , the marks of beatings. I reallt doubt that. The emergency paramedics that went to the scene , didn't know what really happened? Come on really.
It's a total breakdown by many people that lets this stuff go on. Too many people looking the otherway.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Call Me Radical Because I think Everyone Should Be Treated Equal And With Respect.
Next time I hear Republican spew their lame leftwing radical line, I'm going to spew, When did it become radical to live in reality , when did it become raqdical to care about your fellow America's , if their wealthy or not. when did a persons value become tied to how much money is in there bank account.
I'll never understand Trumpers and guess I never will. I will never will understand the religious right when they seem ready to ignore the saying what would Jesus Do,and in many cases do the exact opposite. The golden rule to do unto others as you would like them to do on to you must never have been taught to Republicans. But if you believe in the bible , God and Jesus will be the final judge and some of these people are going to fail.
Ok There's No Money For The Poor And Middle Class So Lets Get Rid Of Abortion And Add Millions More People To Those Groups
Republicans already don't want to take care of the people we have now and we have a rotten system where too many kids are going to foster care under people who only want to get money from the state to raise them.
Ever see a person who was born to parents who didn't want to get married but were forced to. They do not get the love from those parents that they should and grow up to be drug addicts , drunks, or have major mental problems. Sorry to burst your bubbles , sometimes it may actual be better for them to have been aborted then just become road kill to an uncaring system for them after their born.
Republican talk a big game but you know they'll never raise taxes on the wealthy , to pay for helping the increase of poor and middle class people caused by getting rid of abortion.
Don't be get a job, jobing it , there are always not enough jobs for everyone to have one.It's a cute talking point put totally meaningless. Plus if you add millions more people every year , it will cost everyone more for everyday services. The law of supply and demand under million mores people demanding those resources will increase the price of those items.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
The Smell Of Trump Butt Coming From The Mouth Of To Many Republican Could Take The Paint Off A Brand New Car
Really, the ass kissing is sickening,The way they pucker up like a dying fish, sucking air is sad.I wonder how great the taste of Trumps ass must be to want to permanetly weld your lips to it.Trump is a loser sorry that's the facts jack. To chain yourself to a loser, to me is a loser move.
To say no to the commission to study what happen on January 6th after they beat the dead horse of Benghazi for like 4 years, is real hypocritical and show there are np backbones in the GOP, you can see the yellow streaks down there backs.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Are People In The Secret Service Who Personally protected Trump Corrupted By Trumpism?
It looks like there are some bad apples in the bunch and there still there. Some after Jan. 6 still claimed on Tweeter that Trump was the real president, that the sicko's who stormed the Capitol were patriots, and were still rabid Trumpers.These traitors to democracy are still in keys spots in the Secret Service, they need to go away.
If I Was A Resident Of Arizona I would Be Pissed At My Tax Money Being Wasted On A Stupid Recount Just To Appease Trump And His Crazy Followers
They can recount 10 ways till Sunday and Trump will still not be president. Even if by a miracle Trump some how got enough votes in Arizona , it wouldn't make a difference.Some Republicans in Arizona say it's a joke ,and stupid to recount again and again. 150,000 dollars went to a company called Cyper Ninja, 150,000 dollars of tax payers money basically wasted that could of been used to put shots in arms, or keep people from starving.Glad I don't live in Arizona , I wouldn't want to live in a State that's becoming a joke,the world laughs at.
Banned From Facebook For a Week Again.
Nothing new you call one of them snowflake Trumpers a name and you get banned.They call me names all the time , I'm a libertard , I'm somehow a wimp,or I'm fat and lazy. Most times I ignore it cause I know their mentally challenged.They had their brains rotted from watching hours of FOX NEWs where the host who go to court say what they say can't be taken as truth but is only entertainment. I almost never fight back but it always gets to a point where I let it rip . they report me and I get banned. They spread fake news till the cows come home , about the coronavirus , about Joe Biden , almost about anything. I call it out , with facts. Lately they blamed Joe Biden for the fact that a gas pipeline was hacked. I pointed out maybe it was Trump doing nothing about Cyberwarfare over the last 4 years, that left us unable to fight people in Russia hacking into a critical service. Just saying Trumpers ignore reality, have no clue how science or technology works and come off sounding stupid, a lot of the time.
Monday, May 17, 2021
The Country Of Israel Is An Apartheid .
Just like South Africa used to be, one race is being treated like 2nd class citizens, the Palestinians are treated as less then human.It's not the Israeli people , it is their sick Prime Minister who wants to continue the violence.He didn't get the votes for a coalition government , he needs to go he's corrupt and the people of israel don't want him.
Hoping The Supreme Court Doesn't Turn Back Time To The Days Of Back Alley Abortions With Rusty Coat Hangers
Before Abortion was legal lot of women died from infection caused by back alley abortions with rusty coat hangers, don't believe me look it up in history. Of course those were the abortion performed on the poor and middle class, if a wealthy person wanted an abortion they could always find some doctor for the right price to do the job. So the poor could be screwed again and the wealthy can get on a plane and go get one in a country where it's legal.But isn't that America , the place where the wealthy can get away with paying almost no taxes , rarely go to jail, and pretty much get your tax dollars given to them with government handouts, they don't think we know about.
Do You Think If Trump Was President As Many People Would Be Vaccinated?
The system Trump had in place to vaccinate people was as good as his plan to get people tested. WE all know if we're honest his testing plan sucked. His plan for getting PPE to people on the front lines well sucked. Trump was totally clueless on the Covid Virus. At First he called it a hoax , then later told people to shoot up bleach and to somehow put UV light into their bodies. Which would of most likely killed a lot of cell not virus cells but the cells of a persons body.
Is The Prime Minister of Israel Creating A War ,Wag The Dog Style To Stay In Power
It seems it Israel exculating the most violence , the number of Palestinians dying is 10 times as many dead as Israelis that have died. Benjamin Netanyahu is crooked , he's Israels version of Donald Trump. He does not support a two state solution , he is still letting Jewish settlers move in Palestine and take over. He is always ready to use violence in any situtuation. If they remove him Israel has a better chance at peace. The average Israeli citzen would be better off if he goes away. He was on the verge of being shown the door , now this happens to delay that. It all started when Palestinians were being evicted from their homes, so Israeli's could take them and live there.What do you think would happen? Was it planned by Netanyahu to happen? It's just fishy , I'm pro truth and never buy stuff without facts. THat's how I knew Trump was full of it. I'm not sure if Netanyahu isn't full of it to.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Sorry But The Israelis Are Acting Like Nazi's
One person in israel gets killed and they kill hundreds of Palestinians . That's how the Nazi's dealt with Jews in the ghetto's of Germany ,and Poland. Israel has the history of using overkill against the Palestinians. It to me looks like Israel wouldn't have a problem of committing complete genocide on the people of Palestine. I will always be honest and call it like I see it. I'm not afraid to tell the truth,I'm not a Republican. No way is peace coming from the actions of either the Israelis or the Group called Hamas and the every day Palestinian gets caught in the middle. If it continues more arab countries will turn on Israel and they brought it on themselves. Any peace treaties written while Trump was President can be used to wipe people's ass.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
The Green and Gaetz Crazy Criminal Show Maybe Coming To a Place Near You.
One should be locked up in the looneybin the other in prison , you decide which goes where. These rejects are going across the country spewing their Trumpest lies that he really won the election , and other MAGA bullshit. They are the darling of the QANAN crowd , you know the people who wear tinfoil on their heads and spew crazy stuff when the full moon is out.
Friday, May 14, 2021
Father of Lies Favorite Political Party Is The Party Of Lies
Satan ,Old Scratch, Lucifer,The Devil, by any name he has , he loves lies and right now the GOP is the party or lies. They lie daily on almost everything, lying to them is like breathing. Anyone who speaks the truth is quickly removed,and shunned as a traitor. Truth in the GOP does not set you free it has you treated like a leper. Sad that they let themselves be pawns of Satan , The so called religious right I guess is on the right hand of the devil because by their support of liars it sure is not the right hand of god that their on.
When Are Republicans Going To Take The Blinders Off and Stop Seeing Things Through A Narrow Mind.
I don't think it's possible for them to see things in the big picture. Being narrowed minded and filling that narrow mind with load of lies isn't give you any good answer to solve the problems America faces. We need some big thinkers not people who think small and can't think outside the box. Tired old crap ideas that never worked shined up are still only shiny crap. Trickle down bullshit that somehow never gets to the middleclass or the poor. It's time for the people who get the most benefits from our government to start paying their fair share.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Remember The Movie War Games , Welcome To That In Real Life
If your old enough to remember that movie ,you know what I'm talking about , if not here's the plot , A kid hacks into the controls of the United States military's system that control our nukes, how through the internet, and almost creates world war 3. Sounds familar like some one hacked through the control system to a fuel pipeline and people are paying for it with crazy gas prices.
Come on wake the hell up a movie made like 30 years ago told you crap like this could happen, this shouldn't surprise anyone. critical systems should not ever be connected to the world wide web , that includes defense systems , nuclear power plants ,or any power plants, fuel pipelines, or even voting machines. All these things are right now given easy access to hackers.All these things if they decide to take control of them can cause a lot of damage to America.
Having some important systems linked to the WWW is foolish and just asking for trouble. Under Trump cyber security was a joke , he didn't want a safe internet he wanted one that his friends in Russia could use to rig it so he could be president. Well someone in Russia just tanked our fuel supply, I'm betting Putin knew this was going to happen. They say nothing in Russia happens without Putin's blessing.
So is this WW3 being played over the world wide web , who knows.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Republican Don't Want A Democracy Where Everyone Has a Voice
Every American should have the free right to vote with no restictions. This false claim of voter fraud in any amount that could change a election is a false old wivies tale the GOP is pushing so they can keep people who won't vote for their just say no party. When has the GOP done anything for the regular Joes out there, Almost never. they are the riches bitches and do whatever some wealthy basatard tells them to.
Voting is the one chance for regular American Joe's to have a voice . to say thumbs up or down on the way America is run.
Sunday, May 9, 2021
I Don't Get Hooking Your Caboose To The Trump Loser Train.
Trump lost no lie , no anything will change that.I don't get giving your soul to a loser. It seems that Republicans serving In DC aren't living in America. Their living in an alternate universe where Donald Trump matters. He will be forgotten and if they keep up there stupidity that will quickly join him in Loserville , Florida.
Friday, May 7, 2021
The Reason People Aren't Going Back To Work . Is That They Won't Work at Jobs That Pay Slave Wages
Lot's of the people who worked at jobs who paid substandard wages have moved on to better paying jobs.Others will hold out for better wages. Blaming the unemployement payments is stupid, if they could get jobs where they could get a payment that would cover their normal expenses they would take it. If businesses offer them slave wages that won't cover their rent , utilities , and other monthly costs, it on those businesses if they can't get someone to work for them.
The GOP Doubles Down on Being The Party of Lies By getting Rid of The Only One Who Will Tell The Truth
Getting rid of the only member of the GOP who will tell the truth , is a sad commentary on the Republican Party. Liz Cheney is there only saving grace,and maybe Mitt Romney .All the rest are lying pieces of garbage. Who are in thrall to Donald Trump, and are pathetic weak ,spineless. and weak morally. I don't see any redeeming quality in any of these loser.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Trump Still Banned From Facebook , Banned For Life On Twitter.
No Trump on Facebook for at least for the next 6 months.Then who knows what happens , I hope they keep him banned.His lies don't need a platform, his selling hate and violence, doesn't need a voice on the internet.
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Trump had many infrastructure weeks , but actually did nothing on it.
Talk is cheap , Trump talked a lot without putting any actions behind his words. Now we got a president that actually works to put his words into action. That's not always easy with a just say no GOP Party. So maybe we take away their racist based , Jim Crowe fillibusters they created to keep minorities in there place. It's time to break up the GOP monopoly in the Senate , which they have, if there the majority or not.
Mitch McConnel is the devil who changes the rules on a whim and puts his thumbs on the scales, to get his way. There is no honor in the GOP that died a long time ago , You can't deal with snakes that only want to poison the well. I could care less if GOP gets invited to the table to make deals. Bipartisonship is a long time dead. Rest In Peace. But it's time if you want anuthing to get done , to move on
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