Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Sadly The GOP Have Become The Money Lenders Outside The Temple.
Would Jesus give a thristing man or woman water to drink?, YES. Would he feed the poor and starving ? Again the answers is yes.Would he help people who were being procecuted in their home country and find them a better place to live ? I'm beting that answer is yes. So why does those who claim to be followers of Jesus always say no to these questions. The religious right can't follow two masters ,they have to make a decision , to follow God and his Son, or follow people like Trump and his ilk. So far their making the wrong one.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Putting Weight On A person To Kill Them Was Used To Kill People Said To Be Witches.
They used to place a board on a person who was said to be a witch and pile stones on it , it would cut off the persons breathing and that person would die. What happened to George Floyd is a modern day version of that. A fat ass cop put his weight on George Floyds back and neck and pressed the life out of him like they did to those poor women who they claimed were witches.
Murdering Cop Goes On Trial For Killing George Floyd
This so called police officer , did commit murder. Sorry there is zero evident to prove it wasn't murder. It's all on camera for the world to see, if a jury fails to convict the dirty cop,there is something major wrong with this country.If that happens ,I don't see democracy in the United States lasting much longer.With the voter suppression going on and the killing of American citizen with no reason. It's done , It's over.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Anyone With Me Starting A Protest Fund To Buy Water And Provide It To Voters In Georgia
I think it would be cool ,and it would show how foolish it is to ban giving people water.You can't give water to people in line or within 150 feet of a voting place. I say have a water truck parked at 155 feet and give people bottled water. Who is with me to get this to happen? Who is willing to contact bottle water companies to donate water to people who vote in Georgia?
Would You Commit A Misdemeanor ,To Give A Veteran or An Elderly Person Food,Or Water, In A Voting Line In Georgia, I would
Give me whatever fine you got ,I'll do community service. Some stupid petty law is not stopping me from doing the christian thing, the right thing.Republican all claim to be so religious then they come up with crap like this. Putting the life of an elderly person at risk to keep them from voting is some real sick shit.GUess the devil went down to Georgia, and he joined the Republican Party'
Thursday, March 25, 2021
GOP Doesn't Believe In Democracy Or They Wouldn't Keep People From Voting
The United States is supposed to represent how a majority of Americans think, but the GOP doesn't represent that and is afraid of that.For a long time they have catered to a shinking minority of people.By their own action that number is shrinking daily as people wise up to who is the master of the GOP, that's big business and the wealthy. The GOP could care less about the middle class or the poor, and by every vote in congress or the senate, that become more evident. So to win they have to cheat and find ways to keep as many Americans from voting as possible , and lie about it saying it's because of the myth of voter fraud. No voter fraud in the history every changed any election , sorry to you Trumpers that's a fact.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Washington DC, a State Why Not
Really why not , why not Puerto Rico being a state , American Somoa, and all those places called possessions of the United States. They pay taxes without being truly represented , that's why we had the revolutionary war in the first place isn't it. Taxation without representation was wrong in 1776 and it's just as wrong today.Let them all have statehood
Should There be Asian American In Joe Biden's Administrations
Yes , I think a government made of every race , would provide the best of America.The melting pot should also be represented in our government. The more views we get ,the better the product ,(The Laws) we get. If everyone is included and laws are made with a little for everyone , it will bring about the perfect union we always dream of.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
After 4 Years Of Trump Spewing Hate And Violence It's a Miracle There Are Only A Few Acts Of Mass Violence.
I expect it to be like Beirut or some country that's in a civil war after Trump stirred up the racists and crazies. The capital riots would be happening everyday, but who really knows if more of this crap won't happen. The GOP kept the posibility open by letting Trump run again if he wants to.So in 4 years the crazies might go again on a spree of violence , egged on by canidate Trump.Rerun of a loser president who couldn't even do the right thing and protect the America people.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Just When You Think You Don't Have To Think About Trump Ever Again, That Little Cockroach Pops Up Like a Fungus
I thought I could move on and start making fun of Rand Paul , Cruz , or other losers like Ron Johnson. But like a bad case of Head Lice or Foot Fungus ,Trump keeps coming back.He still is claiming he will run again in 2024 , it could be just a hustle to steal money from the rubes, but who knows. So I am forced to waste my time focusing on that rotten bug.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Spring Break Doesn't mean Covid Is Taking A Break
Here we go again creating spreader events.Spring breakers filling the beaches of Florida , bringing the disease back to campus after the break is over.So guess none of these children ,cause that's how their acting, care about killing their parents or grandparents. Selfish , ask Europe if it's over as cases come back in another wave.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
How Stupid Is Ron Johnson ? The Answer Really , Really ,Stupid
I always thought Trump was the stupidest man on earth , but Ron Johnson could take that title and become the new world champion of being dumb. Everytime he opens his mouth he says something even more stupid then last time. His latest stupid comment he is more afraid of mostly peaceful protestors of racism then crazy ass Trumper who planned to lynch the vice president , kill the head of congress,and kill any senator or congressman they would of gotten their hands on. I don't know where Ronny Boy's brain is located but it's not in his skull , maybe it's in a place lower on his body.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
They Voted Against The Stimulus Now They Are Trying To Act Like They Created It.
GOP says no, then act like it was their idea in the first place.They been playing that game for years and Republican voters buy it , can you say suckers? They voted no to the stimulus , now their acvting like the goodthings coming from the bill is because of them and their taking credit for them. Only a stupid no education person will buy that crap , "TRUMPERS"
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Are The Days Of Kings And Queens Over.
It should be nowhere, do they actually rule anything. NO
Do any of the common wealths of england need england anymore? NO
Maybe it's time to retire the royal family, and stop calling countries common wealths of england. Those days are over that any of those countries need anything from england. They each rule themeselves. It all just a weird game giving these so called royals a platform anymore.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
There Is Only So Much Oil Left Under The Ground .
It's not an infinite supply , and when it runs out the earth won't be making any more for millions of years. That means we start looking for alternatives now , or end up with our pants down going nowhere. As the supply dwindles the price is going to go up, that's the law of supply and demand. So blaming anyone or others is stupid. The GOP wants to hide it's head in the sand and ignore the facts , it's going to run out, and we will need an alternative like renewable energy.So everytime they do something to help their friends in big oil, they hurt America in the future.Unless we start shifting to alternate fuels now by creating the technology needed to make it work. We are running the risk of being left behind by the rest of the world. This will not make America Great , we are great when we lead the way.
If Our Tax Dollars Only Go To Help Blue States ,Then Why Are We bailing Out Texas , Florida , and Louisiana Every Year
Seems like every year we need to bail out these 3 Republican states every hurricane season.Just saying when the GOP says they only bail out Blue States, that right there proves they're wrong. We bail out these states run by governors that deny climate change , they ignore the fact that more huricannes then ever are going to be coming , or ones that are way stronger than they used to be. Texas ignored getting their electrical system ready for climate change and we in blue states had to bail their ass out.Sadly people in Red States are poorer ,less educated , and have worse healthcare then any blue state. So yeah they take less monet from the federal government because they have given up on caring about the people of their states
Saturday, March 6, 2021
No Republican, Thought It Was a Good Idea To Help The American People , and Ron Johnson Screamed Out No
Well the party of the wealthy showed who their masters are by voting against the American people, I don't think they know who they are supposed to be working for. They think it's for the 1 %. Not the 99% that includes most Americans. They are the party of the wealthy,they line their pocket with the money of big corporations. The real reason they don't want to raise the miniumum wage is because their masters who are the wealthy won't like it. I wish people in this country would wake up and break the chains of slavery to the rich. Stop being their worker drones making them large sums of money, as they throw crumbs to the people, who do all the real work.
Friday, March 5, 2021
For Republicans It's Ok To Give Money To The Wealthy By Giving Them Tax Breaks They Didn't Need
There was no talk about the "National Debt" when Trump had a giveaway to billionaires. It was supposedly was to trickle down but that's a myth that never happened anytime in history.When the rich get richer they invest in their companies with stock buy backs, they don't hirer more people, they don't raise the wages of their workers.
Now the GOP is being asked to help the middle class and the regular everyday Americans ,and they bring up the "National Debt". Really , if you can't see through that,you may need stronger glasses. With a Democrat as the president they revert to their old obstructionist ways , where it's a game and the needs of the people are ignored, it's all about scoring points, and keeping people from voting with false claims of voter fraud. Haven't we seen this movie before, how many times can they bring back this rerun.
I Don't Get Veterans Supporting Trump After He Basically Called Them Suckers and Losers
Trump doesn't value your service or sacrifice if your a veteran. He actually said he liked his heroes if they didn't get caught about John McCain ,Really John McCain was more a man then Trump will ever be. He said the soldiers who died on the beaches of France where losers. Yet you support a person who faked having bonespurs in his feet to get out of serving. I'm sadly beginning to think any veteran who supports Trump may be a loser, You act like his pawn doing his bidding that's a loser move to me.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Trump Like The Skunk He Is, Got His Vaccine In Private And Never Announced It
Like he really cares for you, he stupidly tells you not to wear a mask ,then gets a vaccination without telling anyone ,as his followers say they won't get one. God, how the stupid get played, and end up looking foolish. Look how foolish "Q" followers look, as another predicted day goes by and nothing happens. Look how many people died foolishl,y not wearing a mask cause Trump told them not to. Now comes the stupid people who won't get a vaccine because they think Trump didn't, but he did and that makes them the biggest fools of all. I personally could careless, Less stupid people is a good thing. Less Republicans another good thing. I have no pity for people who die from their own stupidity.
When Will Giving A Person A Hug Become Sexual Assault
In many Countries around The World kissing someone is how they greet each other.Are we becoming so prudish that a simple kiss or a hug is forbidden.What the hell is happening I remember as a kid this girl kissing me because I gave her my seat on a bus. Did I feel violated? NO. Do you really want to live in a sterile world where no one ever touches. I'm not ready to go back to Victorian Times , where women had to cover every inch of their bodies , and any contact was taboo. I thought we got over that crap in the 60's with free love.Better get your chaperones ready and dust them off. Because no guy is safe without one.
Almost Every Guy Made a Sexist Inappropriate Remark at Least A Few Times
So now any guy who said something rude or crude can't be a politician. If you ever kissed someone and maybe they didn't like it ,it's like it was a mortal sin. Quess if Richard Dawson was still alive he could never be a polician. When has a kiss become a sexual assault? Italian people kiss each other all the time ,it's how they greet. Sad world where a simple kiss is treated like the kiss of death.You think I wanted to kiss my grandma when she wanted one . NO was it a sexual assault NO you perve
Not Since Joseph McCarthy Has There Been Such a Stupid Senator From Wisconsin as Ron Johnson
He's wasting time on getting people who are suffering relief. What kind of monster does that? One named Ron Johnson, I'm not sure he's all there mentally because he's losing the support of many of the people of his own state,Wisconsin. His games get more bizzare everyday , he's under the spell opf Trump and nothing else matters. This loser needs to go back to the insane asylum.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Remember 911 And We Mostly Only Had To Worry About Foreign Terrorists ,Weirdly Those Were The Good Old Days
Now after electing Trump as president ,who played to every crackpot with a grievance.He stirred the racist pot with talk about Mexicans as less then being human, by questioning the birth of the first black president, Barrack Obama, and now by his crap about chinese flu, or kungfu flu. He breeds hate and that hate grows into violence. He's probably the first president to get support of hate groups like the KKK , Neo Nazis , the Proud Boys and others bent on the destruction of the government as it stands. Sadly under the costume of patriots they try to turnover democracy and put Trump as a dictator in power. We meed to fear our neighbors who could be Trumpers in hiding. Who knows when these stupid, mentally ill people could explode into violence.
March 4th Trump is Supposedly Somehow Magically Made President , NOT
These Q nuts will believe anything. So far every weird prediction they make is wrong but they still believe whatever crazy ass idea they have next will be real. When your batting zero maybe it's time to retire and go away. I really question the mental status of a large number of people in this country who will believe the unbelievable .
Monday, March 1, 2021
Ted Cruz Praises Trump Like He his God But Then Claims He Didn't Watch Trumps Speech At CPAC
I wasn't watching Ted ,to see What Ass Cheek was speaking, at what time, as he talked out his ass.He's one sad dude , who couldn't stand up for his wife ,or the memory of his father,against Trumps lies. Now he hoovered his lips to Trumps ass.His manhood is in question and he doesn't seem to care.He sold his soul to the devil and seems happy to be on the highway to hell.Light it up and get ready for Teddy ,give him a nice hot room in the lying cheaters wing.
Trump Put The Bullseye On Asian Americans
Calling COVID Chinese Flu ,or Kung Flu gave crazy and stupid Americans the greenlight to attack Chinese Americans. That greenlight was accepted and violence is way up on Chinese Americans. Trump the king of will release his army of haters again, and again. He released them om the capital , he released them on his own vice president , he released them on Chinese Americans. Who will he release them on next, maybe you and your family. Who Knows
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