Sunday, January 31, 2021
No Lawyers Will Represent Trump at His Impeachment Trail
He wanted them to lie,and say the election was a fraud. They knew that was BS and wouldn't do it. They all quit ,now Trump has no defense to fight the impeachment. So will they delay it till he does? My answer is why, because I don't see any lawyer committing perjury? Really there is no defense , we all heard what he said. We all know he's been lying for over 3 months,even before the election, he was claiming it was rigged ,if he lost. Plus there's a phone call of him trying to rig the election in Georgia. WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED?
Maybe It's Time To Ignore These Clowns ,And Stop Giving Them What They Crave , More Attention
What would be the best way to get them to go away?
Stop giving them the attention and glory they crave,maybe. They seem to thrive and bask under the spotlight ,so maybe we turn that light off and they'll shrivel up and die. You know Trump is a glory hound and loves attention, well so do a couple members of congress , come on you know who they are. Maybe we ignore them and not give them an audience , stop showing them on the news every time they commit the latest attention grabbing publicity stunt. I know I've done it I gave them the spotlight ,forgive me I will never mention them again.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Georgia, You Did So Good Voting In Biden , Great Help Winning The Senate, But Then You Voted In Marjorie Taylor Greene, WHAT HAPPENED?
Greene, I think is the craziest nut job to ever be a Congresswomen.Her Quanon crap should embarass the people of the state of Georgia that voted this loser in. Everyday more crazy is found in her past,with new stuff added daily, GOP should at least censor her ass ,and give her the worst commitee asignments. I personaly would fire her ass and have her locked up in the closeist nut house.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Matt Gaetz, One Publicity Stunt After Another
Yes ,he was the fool who wore the gas mask, he's been involded in a lots of stupid stunts. Quess that's why he joined congress to practice his tomfoolery. Now he want Liz Channey, some one in his own party, unelected. Just because she did the right thing and held Trump responsible for the capital riot. We all know who really needs to go, someone named Matt from Florida. He needs to go back to his job as a clown in Trumps court.
Got A Weird Math Question , If More People Leave The GOP ,Does it Matter What Percentage Support Anyone?
Say You got 100 Republicans ,50 leave ,than you got 50 Republicans ,those 50 republicans say 40 of them like Donald Trump . My Question so what? The math is clear , Republicans lose.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
The Senate Filibuster a Relic of The Racist Past That Needs to Go
The filibuster and Jim Crowe went hand and hand to keep African Americans and Native Americans in abject slavery.It served no other purpose but to keep the minority , the ones who liked slavery ,in power in someway. Well those bad old days are over and we the Democratic party in power say no , the GOP never shared power when they were in the majority so too bad if your powerless the people voting decided you should be. So the Democratic party needs to put it's big boy pants on and start passing the bills they want and not care what the GOP thinks.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Unity , How Can You Unify With People Living in the Twilight Zone?
Really, you up to unifying with the "Q" crazies? How bout the nuts who still think Trump won the election? You want to be best buds with these nut jobs. You can't have unity with people who are delusional , living in an unreal world.There has to be a common ground and it needs to be based on reality. So I'm not seeing me, have a kumbia moment with a large majority of Trumpers. So you know what , I'm not trying. Not wasting one more second on these losers.They're to far gone to save, so why bother. I just erase them from my life when they pop up like a roach.
Trump Filled The Void in a Lot Of Loser's Life.
There are people out there , who feel like there is no purpose to their lives. They join things like scientology, follow crazies like Jim Jones, join the proudboys and other racist groups. Now Donald Trump comes along spewing lies, selling a false dream,and they bought it fish line and sinker. Trump, the ultimate temple built on bullshit. Apprentice, a so called reality show, not filled with much real , A business man who went bankrupt multiple times, sued hundreds of times, for not paying people, a rotten one who pretended to be the best businessman ever. He took a country growing and getting better,turned it into one where people died in the hundred of thousands, and millions of small businesses went out of business. Millions out of works , million needing to get food in a foodline. Just to fill a void in some peoples life.
Whose Afraid of The Big Bad Trump? The GOP
Really he's not even president and they hide in fear everytime Trump names is said. The GOP is pathetic only worring about getting primaried and having to find a real job. Of cource their playing to an ever shrinking Trump base , which might save them in the primary, but will lose it in any general election. They got themselves in a cycle that will only end in a bad way. Do any of them got the balls to break their chains, doesn't look like it as they are deciding to let Trump have a free pass on commiting sedition. GOP=LOSERS
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
These Are Some of The GOP Who Actually Committed Treason
Yeah , I'm going to call some of them out. They wanted to install a president the American People didn't vote in. Sorry to me that's treason , Who do these so called senators or congressmen represent if it isn't the will of the voters. It's not supposed to be party over what the constitution says. If we throw out the rule book what the hell are we doing. Does democracy work in a whatever goes , no rules country? I doubt it will work. So this is what the GOP wants no rules and chaos ,and nobody has responsibilty at all.
An Actual Press Secretary Who Just Tells The Facts and Doesn't Lie , How Different and Refreshing
She is actually competent and isn't just a figurehead , She isn't trying to just make stuff up to make the president look good.Truth is so good to hear after a four year drought. No Shaun Spicer lying about the presidents crowd size. No Sarah Sanders , just making stuff up with no basis in fact. I can't even remember that blonde chick who came over from FOX cause I was already tuned out and not paying attention anymore.
Ding Dong The Drama Queens Dead , Isn't It Wonderful
Trump isn't there manufacturing crisises to pretend to solve while doing nothing over real ones.No more continual campaign rallies or a reality show in the White House. No more pubilcity stunts with tear gas and bibles.
Nope we get boring old Biden, who is about doing his job, and not about fluffing his ego. We get someone whose not playing the character of president,but actually being one , how novel , how refreshing
Monday, January 25, 2021
Paint It Blue
The GOP made it all inevitable , Texas will become blue because Latino's will be the dominate race there. Florida most likely the same. Many southern state will become majority African American. GOP has painted itself into a blue corner. By not expanding their base ,having old white men might of worked in the past , but them days are over. Now comes the desperation , things like trying to keep others from voting , allying with racists organizations like the proud boys and other white trash. You can see it coming a mile away the GOP needs a civil war to save it.
When Has The GOP Held Trump Responsible For Any OF The Rotten Things He Done?
Locking kids in cage , ok Trump
Getting foreign government to interfer in our elections , that's fine Donald
Doing nothing about COVID19 , that's marvelous
Trump calling government officials in Georgia to change the election ," wish I would of thought of that", GOP Says.
Wasting billions of dollars on a stupid wall that will never be finished , great idea Donald.
So are they going to hold him responsible for almost starting a civil war where thier own lives were at risk , are you nuts of course not.
Trump's Creating A New Party , Guess The Uneducated Hillbillies Need a Party
Come on look at the people who stormed the capital , redneck hillbilles . People, who I doubt even graduated highschool, let alone went to college. People who are stupid and easily lied to and led like sheep. Q really they actual believe that crap , There was election fraud , first just by doing the math ,that is proven impossible. These people don't think
Saturday, January 23, 2021
GOP I guess Want To Own Trumpism Till The Day They Die.
They don't care that they're the party of putting kids in cages and permanently seperating families , They're the party of the KKK , proud boys ,and Neonazis. They're the party of hate. They won't do the just thing and finish the impeachment. Trump should be erased from the history of the United States. Midterms will be coming and I will remind people of the actions of the GOP ,it won't be forgotten.
I Never Considered Trump My President Because He Only Did Things For His Followers and the People Who Voted For Him.
He's the one who decided to not be my president , He did almost nothing to make my life better, only worse. He didn't take Cornavirus seriuosly because of that I caught it. He started race wars accross the country , and got the Neo Nazi , racists to follow him. He crapped on global warming and the environment in the end that's coming home to roost on everyones doorstep. Trump did way more harm then good. Luckily it was only 4 years and hopefully can be repaired
Friday, January 22, 2021
What Evidence Does Trump Have That He Didn't Start An Insurrection?
None , he did it in his own words , he actually tried to get a state to change it votes so he could win. He's been lying about voter fraud even before the election. He brainwashed people into commiting violence over lies. He deserves it to be like he was never president at all. He doesn't deserve anything a former president gets , he doesn't deserve to get 2 million a year in traveling expenses, to do what spread more lies to get more people to commit violence? He doesn't deserve a pension , he did nothing for the American people his last 6 months as president. No way should he or anyone in his family run for president ever. Plus to keep us safe , he should never be told another government secret , you know he will share it with Putin.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Oh ,Oh Trumps Farewell only get 200 people.
His crowd size is slipping , really fast soon he will get one guy whose wearing a MAGA hat. He will fall from grace fast because well he as a person sucks.
Not Playin With You Losers Who Won't Wear A Mask , or Think Covid Isn't Worse Then The Flu
I had Covid and my lungs are still healing , you think it's cool not being able to breath right , then sorry your an idiot. After 2 months my lungs will heal but those 2 months are not going to be fun. So yeah you say something stupid like it's my freedom not to wear a mask I say bullshit when your freedom takes mine away to breathe, without having to sit down every 10 minutes.I'm watching and will call you out on every stupid thing you say. See I know thw truth , I had Covid, and your just pulling fake news out of your ass.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Strange Days Ahead A President Who Doesn't Call Others Names , or Lies With Every Breath.
It's going to take awhile to realize we got a president who acts like an adult and not some childish babyman who throws tantrums. But even though Trump is gone and I don't think he will ever be president again. He did a lot of damage to our creditbility, of the United States, that's not coming back quickly, we are going to have to earn it.We reentered the Paris Accords , We are getting ready to deal with Iran Again, and North Korea is back on the agenda as to them getting Nuclear Weapons. Trumps placating dictators is over , no more kissing Putin's ass, the head of Turkey's butt or Kims big rump.
So Ted Cruz You Think Licking Trumps Butt Like A Toady Will Make You President In 4 Years?
I doubt it's going to work , Trump made fun of your wife , and your own father . You acted like a spineless jellyfish with no balls. I.m going out on limb and saying in the upcoming midterms you lose your Senate Seat and fade away.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
I'm a Realist America Is Not Perfect Or Do We Never Make Mistakes
Slavery ,big mistake , Trail of Tears ,big mistake , massacre at wounded knee , big mistake , Bringing Chinese people to build the railroads accross American then screwing them over after they finished the job, Japanese interment camps during world war 2, 1960's race riots not something to be proud of, and yes we had a civil war. Trump is just the latest big mistake and I'm sure there will be more. We are way from being perfect or maybe even the greatest.
Fox News Losing Sponsors and Viewers , It's Right where it Belongs Last Place
When you dance with the devil in moonlight , eventually you pay with your soul. Tic-Tok times up for Fox News , time to pay up , for all your lies. All the claims you said you were actually delivering news. Proven false , proving in the end you were the fake news.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Why Would My Pillow Link Itself To A Falling Trump
Deutsche Bank will no longer fund any Trump Businesses , He will not have any PGA Gold Tournments at any of his properties, People are boycotting Trump hotels around the world. If The senate says guilty he loses 2 million in money to travel on, he loses his pension, and no way does he ever get a intelligence briefing again. Right now he owes banks 300-400 milion dollars. He still owes cities and states accross the United States for unpaid campaign costs . So my pillow guy you all right in the head cause your tanking your business right a long with Donald Trump
Welcome to Nazi Germany U.S.A
We got our wannabe Hitler named Donald Trump , he got his facist stormtroopers. Weird that people are against anti-facism like ANTIFA who is fighting against facism.It's has become a bizzare upside America, where dictators are glorified. Hopefully our commonsense will come back and the fever of stupidity will go away.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Jim Jordan Talking Out His Ass Again , Revising History.
I'll be glad when Jordan gets the boot with all those other Trump enablers , who supported him in all his lies and they still spew out their bullshit. Traitors every last one of those GOP party players who could give a rat ass about the constitution . It's party over country for too many Republican
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Trump Banned From Twitter and Facebook , Now should All Pro Trumpers Be Banned
I say yes, they are pushing lies that are getting people hurt and causing violence. Not one shred of truth is coming from amy of them.It's kind of sad how easy people buy lies. They should be all banned from Facebook and twitter
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