Monday, November 30, 2020
Welcome to The Land of Delusion
Domald Trump will be your tour guide,as he is the most knowledgable about this land.He's been a resident for many years,and is our most important citizen. He lives up to all our tradition, ones like spreading unfounded conspiracy theories,gossip,lying on a daily basis and general believing our own lies after awhile.We are a land of make beleve,with truth an enemy of the state.Anyone telling truth is banished from the land ,won't have any of the blasphemy around here.
Well The People Who Think Their a Victim are Losing Their President.
Woe's me , The world is against me , It's not that I'm a loser,or that I try to help myself.It's other peoples fault my life sucks , it's them dam immigrants, African Americans or those Chinese people in China. It's not a fault of the man in the mirror.
Trumpers all pass the blame ,like their pathetic fearless leader does. He's never wrong , he doesn't make mistakes, he never loses. He doesn't have a life like the rest of us mere mortals have. Nope he's special. I heard of special people I always thought it means that there is something wrong with them. If Trump is example it does.
Trumpers all pass the blame ,like their pathetic fearless leader does. He's never wrong , he doesn't make mistakes, he never loses. He doesn't have a life like the rest of us mere mortals have. Nope he's special. I heard of special people I always thought it means that there is something wrong with them. If Trump is example it does.
There's a Snowballs Chance in Hell , Trump Will Man Up.
Nope, as my spanish friend says Trump doesn't have the cajones to be a man.He will always be a little boy,who calls people names,and has tantrums. Who never wore a pair of big boys pants , because well he's never been a big boy just a over grown toddler who still needs his babysitter to change his soiled diapers. Hope Hicks he needs a diappy change again.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Trump Says Don't Talk to a President Like That , I Say Stop Acting Like a Child Then
How else should you talk to someone who acts like a 2 year old? You can't speak to them as if their an adult. Trump's brain can't handle the truth, and answer the simplest question with a straight answer or a truthful one. So right now, I don't know why any reporter even bothers with this loser.Why put his ugly face even on the air? Time to pull the plug and let this turkey die.
Friday, November 27, 2020
GOP Has A Slave Master Mentality That Wants To Keep People Down
It isn't strange that southern states are more Republican , they grew up with a tradition of the confederacy and keeping people down. That is still happening , but they added more races then African Americans. They want to keep Latin Americans down,Native Americans Down,and any other races that are not White European down. Plus it's not a race but they look at poor white Americans as white Trash.They have this outdated idea that any blue collar worker is expendable and a dime a dozen and can be replaced. That's why no increase in the minumum wage . they do whatever they can to destroy unions,and they could care less if the average worker needs to work three jobs to make it. They don't need affordable healthcare , if one dies there's another to take their place. We are numbers,not people.
Frivolous Court Cases Is All Trump Got Left
If you lose 36 cases and you only win 1 , sorry your a loser. Trump you got to face the facts you lost , you got no evidence of wide spread fraud. You got nothing beside crackpot conspiracy theories that have been proven to be built on BULLSHIT. Every case makes Trump look like a nut job and he is.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
O.K Mitch McConnell It is Time To Take Your Lips Off Trumps Ass.
It's time to tell the babyman he lost and move on , it's time to get back to business and put the bad taste of Trumps ass behind you. Be a man for once Mitch , not a stooge of whatever Republican president happens to be the flavor of the month. Your legacy Mitch is one of hurting a majority of the American people to be a slave to your wealthy slave masters. Break your chains and grow a pair. Your pathetic , it's time to be a real patriot not a dime store replica of one.
Trump Says It Will Be hard To Concede To Biden , It For Trump Is Hard To Be a Grown Ass Man.
Can Someone go through their whole life having the mentality of a child? Trump proves the answer to that is yes. Most of us as a child learned it is better to tell the truth then lie. Most of us played sports and learned to lose with grace. Trumps education was missing those important lessons. He sat on his fathers knee and learned greed is good and all is fair in business , by hook or by crook making money is all that matters , even if you have to lie and cheat to get it. A sick twisted world view that got magnified and put on display for all the world to see while he was president. He has not one thread of honor or caring about anyone except himself. He by that, is the definition of evil ,and has reserved himself a place in hell.
Just Like Any Conman Trump Knows His Court Cases are Stupid ,He's Using Them to Get Money Off of Any One Stupid Enough To Give It
It's all a big con to get money off of people stupid enough to give Trump money for his cause. To make stupid court cases doomed to failure. What ever money is left over after all the conmen get their cuts ,the rest will some how end up in Trumps pockets. Just like his illegal Charity was a con for Trump to get money ,this won't be any different. Just another con to add to the list: Trump University , Trump Charity , and him being president.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Under Trump It Was Never Really America First It Was Trump First
It was never about what was best for America or about making America great. It was about Trump first and making Trump seem great. It to many times seemed to be Russia first over American people and even American Soldiers. He never said one thing to Russia about bounties on American soldiers and by doing nothing about Russia interfering in our elections , that hurt America. Whatever benefited Trumps ego came first.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Under Trump Iran Became More Dangerous
Here's the facts by dropping the Iran treaty over Nuclear Weapons , what Trump did was gave Iran the green light to create more materials to create nuclear weapons. Iran is now producing 12 times the products that can be turned into nuclear weapons then they did while the treaty was being inforced. Trump made Americans and the people of the worlds lives more dangerous.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Chris Christie Says Trumps Legal Team is a National Embarrassment
He's right , Guiliani looks like he lost his mind , and his other lawyers are following his lead. In public they spew all these made up conspiracy theories that are totally off the wall ,but in court they say there is no evidence of fraud. So what is this crap all about cheating and who is the cheater Trump. It's all revenge left for Trump , he ran for president in the first place over revenge to get back at Obama for his comments at the National Press Dinner. His life is all about revenge
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Trump Golfing Again In between Anger Tweets
While there were almost 200,000 new cases of COVID-19 , Trump brooded like a kid who lost his lunch money, and went to play golf , instead of his job being president. Any other job he would be fired today and out the door tommorrow.He's out there fighting a big time losing battle to win an election which he lost by over 6 million votes. Every court case lost , every other appeal lost , there's a snowballs chance in hell, Trump ins't shown the door in January.It's all just a game to ther GOP , they show they put party over the lives of the American People. I'm tired of being a pawn in their sick games and you should be too. This is not the hunger games ,this is supposed to be a democracy.
Friday, November 20, 2020
Herd Immunity in Sweden Abandoned , It didn't Work , So Scott Atlas Your a Moron
Remember hearing about Sweden using the idea of Herd Immuninity and that would keep a second wave from hitting there. Right now there hospitals are being slammed with COVID 19 Cases . The doctor whose speciality is not infection disease who advises Trump wants us to go down the same false alley of Herd Immunity that Sweden just abandoned because it was total crap. Trump and his cronies can't leave soon enough and as long as their, there it will cause more deaths and more pain.
Rudy's Latest Press Conference Was The Strangest Yet
Hair dye running down the sides of his face as he sweats like a pig lying and making stuff up. First a hint about dying your hair , you need to rinse out the excess after you use it. Then when you lie , you can't use a crazy ass source for your lies like Q. It was a total brain dead feed fest for the Trumpers.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Trump wants Pennsylvania to Just Declare Trump The Winner
Say what , that's not going to happen and even if it did Biden still would be the winner because of other states he won. So what is this crazy talk and why are people pushing it. They fear Donald Trumps wraith and will do anything even if it is stiupid and meaningless. Time for that man-child to go away and never come back.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
it's only getting worse , as Trump does nothing like he did since COVID first appeared
This loser just quit like the little boy he is , throwing a tantrum like a baby . He still has a job to do and it's not filing stupid useless court cases that do nothing. Trump, you lost get over it normal people lose every day , they don't whine , they pick themselves up ,and get back to life. It is not all about you , you are not the center of most peoples universe , most people don't care or give crap about you.
Bet Lots of GOP People Would Love To Get The Trump Monkey Off There Back
It's like a hideous growth on the backs of GOP Senators and Congressmen that they just can't have removed. An anchor tied around their throats that is ready to strangle the party of Lincoln. Comspiracy theory after conspiracy theory even it they are totally impossible that they are wed to as long as Trumps crazy Base is in control. Can't feel sorry for them , they did it to themselves , they could of finished the job of impeaching Trump , they could of spoke up when Trump talked out of his ass, but they were silent as church mice. Now if they speak up the crazies will turn on them , the Trumpers who have been brainwashed for the last 4 years. They created the monster and like all creators of monsters , the monster in the end turns on his creators and destroys them.
The Threat Level With Trump Going Off The Crazy Train Is Getting As High As It Was During 911
Trump is sucking up all the oxygen in the room . He's standing on moutain yelling look at me before he takes a swan dive. As we all watch Trumps distrations from reality ,it leaves us open to every crack pot terrorist either foreign or domestic. The crazy white nationalist are so happy they are ready like Trump told them to be , ready to start the second civil war. Who knows what Iran is ploting after we did attack them and kill someone who was big in there country. Iran has no problem waiting to take revenge when the time is ripe. Now with Trumps crazy talk about bombing Iran, they might do something preemptive.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Trump Was Wrong On Covid-19 Every Time He Talked About It
First that blocking traffic from China did anything to stop Covd-19 . It did almost nothing since the strain that hit America came most likely from Italy in Europe. He actual called Covid-19 a hoax , which some less educated people still believe or have died out of ignorance of the Virus. It will disappear in the warmer months of April , another lie or just a wrong idea , it got worse instead of going away. He said opening the economy would cause minimal risk to peoples life. Nope it just kept the cycle going and growing. Putting bleach in a human body to kill the virus , sure but it would of all so caused the death of that person. Trump was totally wrong about the whole virus. Everything he said was wrong ,everything he does still say is wrong. His ignorance killed hundreds of thousands of people and is still killing the fools who believed his lies. There are people who as they die from the virus still claiming it is a hoax with their last dying breath.
Scorched Earth Policy is Trump Strategy Before He Leaves Office.
He wants to start a war with Iran. He wants to take all the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. This is just the beginning. What more damage could he do over the next month? He's just proving he never cared about the United States at all.He's putting us all in danger because he can't grow up.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Trump wants to own the good but disown the bad
It doesn't work like that Trump , you can't own the vaccinations without owning all the bad stuff you created. You created people not wearing mask that follow you. You slow walked virus testing , You said stupid things like it would all magically disappear , You told people it might be a good idea to shoot up bleach and stick an UV light up their butt. You forced the economy to open way before it should have . In the end you caused the unneeded deaths of 100,000 + Americans . YOU OWN IT ALL.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Sad How The Guy Who Was Once Called America's Mayor Has Thrown It All Away For Donald Trump
Giuliani has either lost his mind , or maybe he's got alzheimer .He still trying to disprove Trump lost the election and in the process coming off like a raving lunatic. How Rudy has fallen , he will forever be remembered as a nutcase. No one will remember 911 it will be eclipsed by his defense of Trump
Friday, November 13, 2020
130 Secret Service Agent in Quarantine or are Sick From COVID 19 Because of Trump Rallies
It's is stupid and sad the way Donald Trump treated the people and the Secret Service agents tasked in protecting him at his rallies like cannon fodder. He didn't care about anyone but himself. Some are really sick and for what, stupid rallies Trump needed to massage his over blown ego. These people have families , friends. and others to care for,and their lives are probably lot more important then Trumps. Trump in my opininons, life is worth a plug nickel.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
U.S.A Being Called a Humanitarian Disaster , Doctors Without Borders Working in The United States
Trump has created a Humanitarian disaster that is worse then people starving in Africa . We will beat the death toll of the whole 3rd world in any disaster they ever had. Doctors without borders is having to help with the load as the United States runs out of doctors. Hospitals are filled to the rafters. Morgues so full that freezer cars are being readied for the extra corpses. In some states nurses and doctor even if they have COVID are being asked to work, if it is a mild case, because there are not enough helping hands to go around.
Just think how better we could of handled the virus if the GOP did it's job and fired Trump way back in January 2020
By the Senate not doing their job by finishing the impeachment of Trump ,they left him in place to totally screw up the response to COVID-19. I put some of the blame on those GOP senators , That's you Mitch McConnel , Lindsay Graham , and other GOP senators. It's on you ,the blood is on your hands. You are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. That is the facts .
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
No One cares What Happened in 2016 ,Well except Trump.
There's a theory out there that Trump is firing people so he can release stuff about Russia and the 2016 election. That can piss off allies and do it over something most people could care less about. It's ancient history and to do stuff to placate Trump's ego is stupid at this time. TRUMP NEEDS TO JUST GO AWAY.
Now It Starts Trump Fade Into Being a Nobody.
Remember when Sara Palen was a somebody and now she a distant memory , Trump will fade away and do the same thing. In a not to distant future people will say who was Donald Trump? He really never did anything worth remembering , He was the biggest nothinburger in history. His wall will come tumbling down, his space force will never get off the ground. Did he ever do anything good? Not that I can remember.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Crazy Republican Senators want Republican Secretary of State in Georgia to resign , just because Georgia went blue.
They fear a run-off against Democrats and I think the stupid idea to fight someone in their own party will backfire.They want to use a losers playbook (Donald Trump) and they think it will work for them. It won't and the Dems will take the senate. 2 more dems will create a 50-50 senate with Kamala Harris to break any ties. So Senators will have to learn to compromise , which would be a good lesson.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Now comes the petty revenge.
Trump will start blaming everyone for his loss and start firing everyone he can. How much time do they got anyway a month and a half. Big Deal , it's better to get out of the nut house as soon as possible. Most of them will be glad they get to leave early. Wonder if this is like the sinking of the Titanic or the end of Nazi Germany for Hitler. The knew they were working for a child . so what do they expect.
Georgia on my mind
I keep thinking about that we need to still do some work and finish turning Georgia blue , President wise it will be blue but there are 2 senate races that if won will turn the senate blue. Just think of all the posibilities if that happens , Better Healthcare , Better race relations , we can add more judges to the supreme court , can add a few more states like DC , Puerto Rico , and US Virgin Islands ,. We can get the Job done plus Simulus bill called Heros can finally be passed
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