Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Deathsantis Running For President On The Corpse Of People Who Die From Covid In Florida
How sick is it to do everything you can to cause more pain and suffering in a bid to run as president? We thought Trump was a sick puppy when he had children put in cages. But the Governors of Texas and Florida take it to a whole other level of hell on earth.Seeing pediatric icu's filled with sick kids should do enough to see Deathsantis works for the devil. He says it won't hurt him really dead kids doesn't hurt him, what kind of sick person says that. Dead anyone that dies foolishly and needlessly should give anyone who have a soul nightmares. Guess Deathsantis has no soul.
Greg Abbot Claims He Will eliminate Rape In Texas.
Women have been getting raped since Homosapiens first crawled out of caves and become the first humans. I don't think the governor of Texas is going to stop it from happening. Just more foolish talk by the GOP. They can't even stop people from killing each other, so I don't see it happening. So women who were raped will be forced to birth the spawn of their rapists. To some that will be like getting raped twice , once by a rapist, the second by the state of Texas.
What if your carry a baby with bad birth defects where not being born keeps it from living a life of pain. You don't have a choice to stop the suffering before it begins.
So called Christians on the right ,which I don't believe truly exhists. Maybe there Christians like in the past that were like the ones who burned and hung witches. Not all people that claim to be Christians act Christ like and live by rules not from the bible but follow false prophets.
Monday, September 6, 2021
Other People Reporting On Their Neighbors kind of sounds communist or something from the puritan days'
This new law in Texas is kind of creepy, reporting on your neighbors is something that happened in communist countries. It also was something done by puritan claiming their neighbors were witches.I can see where a lot of false reporting of people you just don't like will be coming, people being accused of things they never did. It happened before specially if there is no penalty against the accusers. This is a way to loss of democracy and religious zealots using and abusing the law to their own advantage. The new laws in Texas break the constitution , they break the seperation between the government and the church. Our country is not supposed to be under the control of any one religion. Religious freedom means all religions are treated equal by the government both federal and state. I claim belief in no religion is a religious choice that needs to be honored just as much as any religion. The New Texas Law forces one religions view on the women of that state. The view of the religious right which I can tell you is a more limited view everyday,and is becoming a minority view.
Sunday, September 5, 2021
If You Have Hundreds Of Guns, You May Have An Addiction.
Like Hoarders, Sex Addicts,Gambling Addicts ,or a addiction to anything. Those people with more guns then they will ever need or use , have a mental illness called addiction. If you buy guns ,using the money that normal people would put to actually making their life better , you have a unhealthy addiction usually caused by an irrational phobia or fear. So being a crazy gun nut is a real thing. Some people will get physical ill when their deprived of having a gun. That's a sickness.
Saturday, September 4, 2021
Forest Fires Caused By Drought Will Even Speed Up The Process Of Global Warming
Think of all the carbon added from tons of burning wood, that happens in every forest fire.It's like a chain reaction , first the drought from climate change , dries out the forests, then the forest fires that come from that add more carbon to the atmosphere speeding up more climate change.At some point it will come to a point of no return , the fires will cause an endless cycle where no matter, what global warming and climate change become unstoppable.
Friday, September 3, 2021
You Know The Anti-Abortion Law In Texas Only Applies To The Poor.
The Rich can go anywhere in the world that allows abortion, It's another law that's not equal and treats the poor different.That's nothing new the wealthy love to treat the poor like chattel.That there peons that need the rich to tell them how to live. But laws that regulate morals usually don't work and people will find a way to break them.So back alley abortions will be making a comeback. People will die and it will be the mothers doing it from infections from abortions under unclean ways. Said when people push their religious views on others, since those religious views support wars that kill thousands,most support the death penalty,and don't want to help children once their born.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
There Is A limited Time Before Any Virus Become A Permanent Thing
Tic-tok the time is running out on stopping COVID-19 dead in it's track.Like all viruses there is a limited time before it's here forever.Flu is here forever but maybe at one time when the first flu virus crawled out of nowhere it could of been stopped. Polio, Mumps,and every virus on the face of the earth ,when they first started could of been stopped. We had our chance with covid to end it, we now have the technology but too many people are to stupid to use it. Covid will never go away, just come back in new variation, some probably worse then the ones we have now. Pandora's box was opened, we didn't close it soon enough and COVID won't go back in it.
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Deathsantis Running For President On The Corpse Of People Who Die From Covid In Florida
How sick is it to do everything you can to cause more pain and suffering in a bid to run as president? We thought Trump was a sick puppy wh...

Back in the day it seemed ok for congress Members and Senators to serve as long as they won. But it's changed when they became prisoner...
Rush said so many evil and rotten things about people , I'm not wasting a tear on him.He made his bed, now down in hell, he gets to lie...
Now When I'm banned , I'm banned but back when I was Purely a Anti-Gun advocate, a person who was a big spokesmen for the CSGV got ...